Chapter four.

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Ray's P.O.V 

Me and Aaliyah are just dancing right now, By seeing her eyes closed I know she hears the music within. She opens back up her eyes and I smile at her and she smiles back. Her smile is to die for yes I've only known her for a small amount of time but I think I like her. 

By now I notice we are both staring deep into each others eyes, Then before you know it we are both leaning in about 2 inches away from each other lips, My arm was still on her waist and her arms where still around my neck.

Before you know it my lips lightly brushed against hers. After a few seconds she pulled away and just smiles at Me, I Smile back at her and winked. She blushed. 

After staring at each other for what seemed like forever we heard someone call my name she looked at me confused. I Panicked because little did she know we were not suppose to be in here, So I grabbed her hand and we ran out the door and into our room we had to share. I popped onto the bed while she still looked at me confused.

"what the ac-" She was about to finish but got cut off by my butler Martin. 

"Well this must be the Princess." He stated

"Yes I am." she said

"Nice to meet you." They both said at the same time.

They both laughed out loud then Martin stopped cleared him throat and looked towards my way. I Hope he didn't find out we were in the Ball Room because my parents had one important rule 'Dont go inside of the Ball Room'.

He cleared his throat once more then spoke.

"Ray your 3 friends are here."

"Okay, Tell them to meet me in the game room I'm coming."

Aaliyah's P.O.V

I'm just standing there listening to their conversation and he has a game room, I knew he was a brat having a game room for himself.

Then Martin walked out the room, and Ray got up and started walking out the door. I know he is not about to just leave me here all alone.

"Wow." I said out loud.

He stuck his head back inside the door then walked back in and grabbed my hand.

"Thought I forgot about you, baby girl?" He said laughing.

"I'm not your baby girl!" I said.

"I see trying to play hard to get even though I got you already I see but its okay." He said.

I rolled my eyes. We walked outside the room and headed down a long hallway then we stopped at a door.

He opening the door and when we walked in all eyes were on me, I just gave them confused looks.

"Never seen a princess before!?" I spat. 

"Not one as beautiful as you." Some boy with a huge Afro said.

I blushed a little.

"Shut up." Ray said. Ha ha. Jealous much?

"So this is the one your gonna marry?"

"No duh." I said 

"you gotta feisty one on your hands." Another boy with a Mohawk said.

"Hey didnt Martin say you had 3 friends I-" I got cut of by that oh so familiar voice.

"Whats up Ray." 

Please don't tell me that's who I think it is. I turned around slowly and my mouth dropped a little.


"Wait you guys know each other." Ray said shocked.

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