Chapter sixteen.

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Aaliyah's P.O.V

[ Weapon room ]

The guilt's been eating me alive. That kiss I know I shouldn't have done it but I couldn't think of anything else and I really didn't want anyone to know about it. Its bad enough Jawan does.

If he wasn't being nosey they he wouldn't have had to follow me and I wouldn't have kissed him. So this whole week I've been in the weapons room just practicing, practicing, and practicing. Wonder where im at now? you probably guessed it. Yup the weapon room.

I'm trying to avoid being anywhere where Jawan is and right now everyone's downstairs. I was busy slicing of dummy's heads to notice anyone come in. When I turned my attention to the door it was Prodigy.

"May I help you?" I ask while going back to what I was doing

"Yeah can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Why have you been so distant from us, you got Ray worried.." 

I dropped my sword real fast it hit the floor with a cling noise. I was secretly hoping nobody would have asked me that.

"What you mean? I haven't been distant."

"Yes you have. Before that night you were happy and everything now you spend your days and nights in here."

"So.." I said quietly.

"Whats wrong with you!"

"Nothing! a girl cant have some alone time?"

He sighed and put his hand on his forehead in frustration.

Prodigy's P.O.V

[ Weapon room ]

 There is something wrong with Aaliyah. Being distant from anyone is not normal for her and I'm not leaving till I find out whats wrong with her.

I looked back up at her. She was still looking at me.

"Look Aaliyah I'm sorry for yelling at you but seriously whats bothering you?"

"Okay Ill tell you..."

"I'm waiting."

"I kissed Jawan.." She attempted to mumble but I heard her anyways.

If you would have seen me now I promise you my eyes are bulging outta my head.


"Shh!" She said putting her hands over my mouth.

"You cant tell Ray.." she said

"Tell me what?" Ray said walking in the room.

Aaliyah took her hands off of my mouth and backed up slowly. 

"Nothing baby." Aaliyah said.

"Oh." Ray said.

"Yep." I said popping the 'p'.

 "Well bye ill let y'all talk." I said before I scurried out the door.

 Ray's P.O.V

[ Weapon room ]

"So what's up?" I asked.

She picked up her sword before answering me, "Nothing much." She said without any emotion.

There seriously something wrong with Aaliyah. I miss my baby. Shes never around anyone anymore none the less me. I walked up to the wall and grabbed my sword. We've all been practicing a lot and we all have been getting better. I walked back over to her and we both started to just slice heads of those dummy's like they were nothing. After about 10 minutes we finished one of the rounds. 

"Thirsty?" I asked.


"Alright be ri--

"Ill go get the waters." She said.

She walked towards the door but I grabbed her arm softly so she would turn around.

"If there's anything you need to talk about you know I'm here right?"

She smiled then nodded her head.

"Just making sure." I said.

She walked up to me and kissed me passionately. She pulled away and I smiled at her she smiled back at me and then turned back around to go get the waters. Weapon practice can tire you out.

I slid my back, back again the wall and waited for her to come back. Only thing on my mind is that I want the happy and cheerful Aaliyah back.

Unknown's P.O.V

[ Unknown ]

"Sir there here."

"How do you know?"

"Because they came to this certain location."

"This is just great."

"So whats the plan sir?"

"As of right now, I don't know."

"Okay sir, let me know when you do."

"I will be sure too, you are one of my best."

"Thank you."

I hung up the phone and flopped back on my bed I honestly cant believe I'm going against them like this. Believe it or not I have no choice because I was born to be bad. My fathers fault. So I decided to move to the good side but he found me and said he would kill me if I didn't do as he said, yes my own father said he would kill me if things didn't go his way. So basically I'm stuck between good and bad because I cant go against them neither can I go against my dad.

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. This is one heck of a job. Lets just let life take its courses and we will see where this all goes and leads too.

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