Chapter nine.

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Aaliyah's P.O.V

"I cant wait to try on some beautiful dresses." I said to Ray's mom, right now we are in the Limo on the way to a dress shop.

"Im sure your gonna have fun , I know i did when I was younger." She said.

-Skipping to when they are trying on dresses-

"I dont really like this dress its uncomfortable." I said to the lady that was helping us out.

"Oh, well we can keep trying on dresses till you find the one you like." 

"Aaliyah, come back here for a second i have a dress that you will love." Ray's mom said.

I walked to the back where the dressing room are and seen Ray's mom with a Simple yet Beautiful dress, I walked over to it and admired the patterns on it.

"This is so Beautiful, I love it." 

"Glad you liked it, I want you to try it on then come out when your done and put this blindfold on too." She said.

"Okay?" I said confused, why would i need a blindfold?

I walked into one of the free dressing rooms, and put on the dress. I looked in the body length mirror that hung on one of the walls. I liked this dress it fit perfectly and showed all my curves. I put on the blindfold like I was told to do. I walked out but then someone grabbed my hand and led me to the little thing you stand on to display you and your dress.

Someone told me to take of my blindfold and i did, what i saw infront of me was my 3 bestfriends; Sierra, Lola, and Takendra.

"Ohemgee , Aaliyah you look beautiful." Sierra said.

"Thank you." I said while I ran to my bestfriends ingulfing them into a big ole group hug.

"What are you guys doing here so early your flight doesnt come till next week."

"Well we decided to surprise you and we wanted to come early so we can hang out together as a group like old times." Lola said.

"I miss you guys like crazy, but now yall have to try on dresses." I said.

"Oh we already have ours we came here early this morning." Kendra said.

"Really? Okay so now we can go home?" I said to Ray's mom.

"Sure guys lets go." She said.

-Pulling up to the house-

We all got out of the limo and walked up to the door, Ray's mom went to go check on her plants in her garden. We walked through the door to find Ray, Roc, Prodigy, and Princeton sitting at the island eating.

"I'm back!" I yelled walking through the corridor to the kitchen.

"My baby!" Ray yelled as he got up and came over to me and kissed me on my forehead.

I laughed.

"Hi Ray." I said hugging him , he hugged back then I let go and sat on the couch.

"Ohmygod, ROC!!" Sierra, Lola, and Kendra said running over to him and hugging him.

I got up and walked over to the kitchen and got a bottle of water. When I came back out everyone was just sitting down.

"Oh guys, this Kendra, Lola, and Sierra" I said pointing to them as I called their name.

Prodigy got up and hugged Kendra and Lola, then he walked over to Sierra and he grabbed her hand and kissed it. She blushed. Prodigy is such a flirt.

"Eh Hem!" I said clearing my throat and Lola, Sierra, and Kendra this is Ray, Princeton, and the big flirt is Prodigy and last put not least the infamous Roc we all know."

"Saving the best for last nice job." Roc said.

"Get over yourself." I said laughing.

 "Seems like you have." Sierra said while looking at me and then Ray then back to me.

"When di--"

"Lastnight." I said answering her Question for her.

I flashed a smile at Ray and he smiled back.

 I walked over to the couch and sat on his lap, he pulled me closer to him by hugging his arms around my waist.

"So, what should we do ?" I asked as I laid my head on Ray's shoulder.

"How bout... hm." Lola said thinking.

We all sat there for atleast 5 minutes thinking till a great idea came to mind.

"OHH I KNOW!" I said as I shot up from Ray's lap.

"We can play....TWISTER!" 

"Really Aaliyah, we are not 10 year olds." Princeton said while he shook his head in disbelief.

"Oh.Come.Onnnnnn. We have nothing better to do." I said.

"Alright im in." Everyone said.

I ran upstairs to go get the twister board from the room, I walked back downstairs then we started  the game.

Princeton was the person who would spin the spinner and call out what you had to do.

After awile it was only me and Kendra left in the game. I was underneath her with my back facing the floor and she was reaching over me with her right hand on red. Princeton was about to call the next move till the door opened and someone walked through.

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