Chapter eleven.

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"Ray get off me." I said between laughs, he was tickling me.

"Say it then." He said.


"Then I have no choice but to keep on tickling you."

"Alright ...alright."

"Say it." He said.

"Ray is the bestest Prince in the world." I said laughing.

"Oh I know." He said while getting off me.

"Cocky much?" I asked

He pecked my lips "Not cocky, just confident."

I shook my head and rolled on top of Ray and laid my head on his chest, he wrapped his arms around my waist. I look up at him.


"Yeah?" he answered back

"You wanna know why I made you make that promise the other day?"

"Yeah sure.." He said.

"Well because when we were going up the stairs I heard shuffling and people whispering, and it couldn't have been anyone in the house because everyone went upstairs to sleep, I felt like we were being watched."

"So your telling me someone was in the house watching us?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

He started laughing, what is so funny about that, we could have been killed or something.

I slapped his chest, "That's not funny." I said pouting.

"I've lived here for 15 years and there has been no problem, why do you think there is a problem now?"

Should I tell him about my past, the only person that really knows about it is Sierra and my parents.

"Because of my past...." I said very low, to bad he heard me anyways.

"What about it?" He asked.

I sighed. I guess I have to tell him.

"Well what had happen was....."

Flashback. (8 years old.)

It was a few weeks before and I felt like I was being watched, I used to sneak and get cookies in the middle of the night and I would hear shuffling, and light whispers but I never thought that what happened would happen.It was a normal day and I was walking in my basement looking for my doll, I finally found it but as soon as I was reaching for it I was tapped on my shoulders. I turned around to an unfamiliar face, they had a mask on but you could still see their eyes, nose, and lips. The person grabbed me forcefully and dragged me out the door leading to the front of the house. Just then a black van pulled up and the unknown person threw me into it along with themselves. 

End of flashback.

"I don't really know what happened because i blacked out, but it felt like days later when I woke up in my bedroom." I said.

"You sure it wasn't a dream?" He asked.

"No, I know my dreams from reality."

"Well I got you baby girl I promise nothing will happen to you."


"Do you trust me?" He asked

"Yeah.. alot." I said.

"Okay, just making sure." He said.

I got up off bed and was walking out the door till Ray stopped me.

"Where you going?" He asked


"No really." He said.

"Okay, I'm going to the kitchen to get something to eat."

"Im coming too." He ran  out the door.

I walked down the stairs but stopped because Ray did. I look up and saw....

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