It Won't Stop(Trust Issues Sequel)

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1 year and 8 months later

Jaylen's Pov

"Alonna get yo ass up before we be late"I said putting on my jacket

"What time is it"She sat up

"It goin on 9 so hurry up"She stood up and went to the bathroom

I went back to Zayden's room and start getting him ready so i can drop him off at my moms house while i go to work.

Zayden is now 1 years old and goofy as ever just like me and Chris,He always smiling and laughing and he only cry when he sleepy,That lil boy is the best thing that has ever happend to me.

3 months after me and Alonna started working we found a house and moved really because i didnt feel like dealing with my mama bossy ass.

That day I found out she was doin drugs but we don't know for how long,After we got her help the first thing I did was call my dad and he flew out here.

We made her go to rehab which wasn't easy but she agreed to go,After staying there for 8 months she been doin good and have been clean ever since,She takes a weekly drug test just to make sure she on track. I am so proud of her and how far she had come but I always wondered why she felt the need to do that,everytime I asked her about it she would change the subject so I just let it go.

At first it was ok then she start telling me how to take care of my baby and telling me what and what not to do and i was getting fed the fuck up and i know Alonna was too even tho she never said anything i can tell by the way she looked and acted so we started looking for our own place.

Its crazy how Alonna and Tyga are still together goin on almost 4 years but now they in a middle of an argument and they not talking,At first I thought they were gonna drop it but its been 2 weeks now and she have been partying and shit so im kind of guessing they not together but you never know.

Me and Darius are together and we have a amazing relationship like we clicked in the most crazy way but i love it because we know when to play and we know when to get serious.He been there every since we met and I honestly fell for him I would say 2 months after we met but I was just scared of getting hurt again,till this say I still have my moments thinking about how long this would last but I'm working on those fucked up thoughts.

Darius treats Zayden like his own son and I honestly wouldn't have it any other way right now because he shows me the love,respect and care Chris use to show me but better.

I feel like with him I have gotten to know myself so much better and realized what I like and don't like,he also showed me a lot about patience and taking my time with my emotions and I'm thankful for that.

I haven't heard from or talked to Chris since we moved into our own place. Alonna and I really just gave up on giving him chances to be in his son's life but I guess he don't care no more and I try my best not to let the negative shit affect him being his father.

Zayden knows his face and still calls him daddy and I won't take that chance of a relationship with Chris always from him because he has fucked up ways.


After I dropped Zayden off at my moms me and Alonna went to work.I now work at a jewelry store and Alonna worked across the street at a boutique .Our jobs pay quite well and though it's not jobs we always wanted but they'll do for now.

I always wanted to go back to school but since I had Zayden I just been so busy taking care of him and on top of that I have to keep an eye on my mother because I sometimes have a feeling when she gets in her mood she goes back to her old ways,so things have been kind of hard but its getting better.

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