Chapter 14

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Two months had passed since that night, Harry wasn't talking to me at all at work apart from when it came to the business side of things. Not that it bothered me because it meant he would leave me alone and i wouldn't have to put up with his constant questions. I'd only seen Aston a few times, at various group get togethers but apart from that we've had no contact. it upset me that we weren't talking, we've gone from being extremely close to acting like strangers. I hadn't made up with katie either, i'd tried to call her but she wasn't answering and would just ignore me so eventually i left it. it felt like i hardly had any friends at the moment, the other boys and even the girls had stopped talking to me almost completely just because of me and Aston, they probably felt too awkward to see me. Things really had changed in the past three months and not for the better either. i was considering moving away, starting a whole new life somewhere else but i also saw it as the coward's way out, running away from my problems. I'd gotten my own flat though so i no longer lived with Charlie, it was just down the road from him though and would quite often go see him when i was bored and had nothing to do. i felt like i had no social life at the moment, all my other friends lived away and i only had charlie left along with a couple of work friends. i was just accepting this was how it was going to be now even if it was hard to.

"Just call them," charlie said, watching me play with my phone. by 'them' he meant the girls, he knew how much i missed them.

"They don't want to know me, if they did then they'd ring themselves,"

"They're probably thinking the same thing, you haven't been in contact either,"

"I don't know, its different now,"

"You can change that, all it takes it one call and things will be back on track,"

"Maybe," i said quietly, leaving my phone on the arm of my sofa and talking my glass out to the kitchen.

"I'll call them for you if i have too," charlie said, picking up my phone.

"Don't charlie, just leave it," i frowned.

"I don't like seeing you so down Mils, you've changed and i know that'll be the only way to get you back,"

"Its my fault, i let it happen,"

"No, don't you dare blame yourself for this,"

"Its true though," i sighed.

"Well you better lighten up by this weekend, we have a party to make happen," he chuckled.

"I haven't been out in months, i doubt i'll be the partying type anymore," i shrugged.

"We'll see about that. i know Amelia's still in there somewhere," he grinned making me giggle. it was charlie's birthday this weekend and we were meant to be going out, hitting all the local clubs. i was looking forward to it but i knew he had invited all the others and i knew i would feel awkward and like the odd one out. Either it will end well and we'll all get along or it'll go to pot and we'll all argue and have an awkward night.

"Well i'm gonna get dressed and go look for something to wear this weekend, gives me something to do," i smiled, taking my phone from him and heading out the kitchen.

"Alright, i've got some unfinished work are home so i'll go do that before i forget about it," he sighed.

"You not gonna come with me?" i frowned a little, turning around on the bottom step of the stairs to face him.

"I would but i have to finish it, I'm sorry,"

"No, don't be. I'll see you soon though, yeah?" i asked, he smiled and nodded.

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