Chapter 18

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Waking up the next morning I was reminded of how much I had drunk the previous night. I didn't dare to move but when Aston stirred underneath me I had no choice. I rolled onto my back and picked up my phone, checking the time and seeing it was half twelve. I settled my phone back down and turned to Aston, watching as his eyes slowly fluttered open and he looked around before finally settling his eyes on me.

"Morning," I said quietly.

"Morning babe, hows the head?" he asked, his morning voice distracting me from what he was actually saying.

"Yeah, its okay..hurts a little," I said and pulled the duvet off me and climbed out of bed.

"Nothing a couple of tablets couldn't solve," he smiled.

I smiled and nodded, walking into the en suit and looking in the mirror, not the best I've ever looked. I brushed my teeth, removing the taste of last night alcohol and replacing it was mint.

"You want some breakfast?" I asked Aston, going back into the bedroom to see him sitting up.

"Er no thanks, I think I'll pass, just the mention of it makes me want to chuck up," he chuckled.

"Nice, thanks for that Ast," I giggled, "at least have some coffee?"

"Yeah, go on then," he smiled.

"I won't be a minute," I smiled too and hurried to my kitchen to make us both a coffee. I hated coffee but to get this headache gone I was willing to drink it. I got us both some tablets too and went back to the bedroom where Aston was waiting. I passed him his coffee and tablets.

"Cheers," he said and took the tablets straight away, making a weird face as he did. I giggled to myself and walked round the other side, getting in next to him and taking my tablets too.

"So we can't sit around like this all day, we need to talk," Aston said seriously.

"I know we do," I smiled weakly after taking a gulp of coffee.

"What do you think then? do you want to give us another go?"

"You know i do but its not a case of whether I want to or not, its if we think its a good idea,"

"I think it is, its quite clear that we can't go on like this, making each other jealous and getting upset about how we miss each other,"

"I know," I whispered.

"Then lets do something about it,"

"I want to but I'm scared, I don't want it to all go wrong again,"

"It won't. Look I love you," he said making my heart go mental, I hadn't heard that in a while, "Do you love me?"

"Of course," I blushed.

"Then thats all that matters, come on Mils, lets not be miserable for any longer," he sighed, I looked at him and the desperation in his face made my heart drop, he really wanted this.

"Okay," I said, taking a deep breath.

"Okay?" he grinned.

"Yes Ast, I will give us another go," I giggled at his face as he grinned and went to kiss me but I stopped him.

"Go brush your teeth first, you know how I feel about morning breath," I said, putting my hand in front of his face.

"Still the same Amelia," he sighed sarcastically as he jumped off the bed and went into my en suit.

"Theres a spare brush in there, the blue one!" I called to him, leaning back against the headboard and sipped my coffee.

"Thanks!" he called back as turned the tap on. I smiled to myself, feeling like the whole world had been lifted off me, I finally had him back.

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