Chapter 17

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Aston's Point Of View
I watched this guy walk up to Amelia at the bar and my blood started to boil. Although by the look on her face she wasn't interested, I knew that look. It didn't look like he was giving up though, he just kept talking to her. She turned to walk off but he grabbed her wrist making my hand clench around my glass, I'm surprised it didn't shatter into pieces. I thought she was going to continue walking away as she looked up at us, her eyes clashing with mine. My heart broke watching her turn back to him and let him drag her to the dance floor. I bit my lip and turned back to the table, I knew this would be coming soon but I didn't expect it tonight. I know I brought Katie with me tonight but it was more to make Amelia jealous, it worked but more than i expected, i knew she was mad at me.

"You alright Ast? You hold that glass any tighter it's going to smash," Marvin laughed making me loosen my grip as I realised I was still clenching it.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine," I laughed nervously so they didn't catch on.

"You need to loosen up," Katie whispered in my ear but that made me tense up even more.

"I'm fine," I whispered, she was starting to get on my nerves as she'd been all over me the whole night and I've never liked clingy girls.

"I can help you if you want," she said flirtatiously.

"No you're alright," I said, putting on a smile so it didn't sound like I was being horrible. I sighed and looked down at my drink, knocking back the rest of it.

"I'm just going to the toilet," I said and stood up, walking off before anyone could say anything to me.

Amelia's Point Of View
I was still dancing with Taylor and I felt uncomfortable, i hated the way his hands would roam all over my body as we danced. I tried to make excuses to go off but he wouldn't let me go, what had I gotten myself in for? My head was spinning and I felt sick at the pit of my stomach. i no longer cared about making Aston jealous, i couldn't even see him anymore. I just wanted to get away from Taylor. I looked back up at Taylor, thinking of another excuse to get away but I saw him lean in and I know he was going to kiss me.

"Taylor wait, i need to go," I said, suddenly feeling sick.

"Don't go, stay here," He said, tightening his grip on my waist and going to kiss me again.

"I'm going to be sick!" I exclaimed, my hand coming over my mouth and as soon as I said that he let me go and I legged it to the toilets. I shut the cubicle door luckily just in time to get to the toilet to chuck my guts up.

"Amelia? you in here babe?" I heard Aston shout but I couldn't answer as I was still being sick. I heard the cubicle door open behind me and I knew it was Aston. He took all my hair in his hands and held it back for me as he rubbed my back. I didn't care how we were at the moment, when i was ill I hated being on my own and he knew that. It made my heart warm that he was here for me and remembered, looking after me just like he did when we were together.

"Its okay babe, i'm here," he said softly. Once I knew I was finished and felt surprisingly better I knelt onto my knees and flushed the toilet, sitting back. I looked up at Aston who was watching me and smiled weakly.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"Don't thank me, i know how much you hate being on your own, I couldn't leave you," he told me and I felt myself choke up at what he was saying, luckily i could blame that on the drink and me feeling ill.

"Come on, lets get you home," He said and held out his hand for me. i smiled and took his hand as he helped me up. Once I was out of the cubicle I quickly washed my mouth out with water from the tap, that was all I could do at the moment. I searched through my bag and found a polo right at the bottom and popped that into my mouth to get the taste of sick away.
I followed Aston out the toilets and we went back to the table, Aston explaining that he was taking me home because I wasn't well.

"What about me?" Katie said.

"I don't know babe, i'm sorry, you'll have to get a taxi or something," Aston said.

"Okay, don't worry about it," she sighed. I looked at her and she was already looking a me, "Hope you feel better soon,"

I was shocked that she'd said that but it did make me smile, "Thank you,"

She smiled weakly at me as everyone said their byes. Aston and I walked out the club and chased down a taxi, both of us climbing in and making our journey back to my flat. I rested my head on his shoulder and his arm automatically came around my waist, cuddling me closer to him.

"How did you find me?" I asked.

"I was coming out the toilets and saw you running past, I guessed by the expression in your face,"

"Well thank you,"

"You need to stop thanking me," he chuckled making me laugh weakly. We arrived at my flat and I waited while Aston paid the fare for the taxi, digging out my keys in my bag. I passed them to Aston once we were at my door and he unlocked it, leading me inside. I put my bag on the sofa and headed straight for my bedroom to get changed. Before I got changed I brushed my teeth to get the final taste of sick away and wiped my make up off, splashing my face with cold water. I walked back into the bedroom and saw Aston sitting on my bed, waiting for me. I smiled weakly at him before searching through my draws to find my night shirt. I turned back to Aston and he was watching me.

"I'll look away," he laughed and looked in the other direction. I giggled and took off my dress and bra, pulling my night shirt on over my head. Even though Aston was looking the other way I knew he would probably look some how anyway, this was Aston we were talking about.

"You can look now," I said with a little laugh as he looked back round at me, a cheeky glint in his eye, yeah he definitely looked. I giggled to myself and turned around, getting a hair band and tying my hair up into a messy bun.

"How you can still look perfect in a night shirt without any make up on and your hair like that is beyond me," Aston chuckled.

"Shut up Ast," I blushed, putting my hands over my burning cheeks. He smirked once he saw me blushing, he knew how to make me blush and knowing he could would make him all cocky. I rolled my eyes and threw my hair brush at him before walking over to my bed and getting in.

"I guess this is it then, I'll see you soon," Aston said, standing up and turning to me. I panicked knowing he was leaving when I really wanted him to stay.

"Or you could you know..stay," I said quietly, fiddling with the duvet.

"You want me to?" he asked.

"Its late so if its easier you could stay here," I shrugged.

"Oh its no problem, I'll be fine," he said and headed to the door.

"Alright, I want you to stay!" I admitted, blushing again. He turned to me and smiled.

"Okay then," he shrugged and walked back into the room.

"You got any blankets and stuff?" he asked.

"What for?

"The sofa," he laughed like it was obvious.

"Stay in here with me," I told him

"Really?" he asked, raising his eyebrows and I just nodded.

"Mm, alright," he said and started taking off his top and jeans, stripping down to just his boxers. I tried to look away but his body was too incredible to ignore. I saw him smirk and i knew he caught me looking but didn't mention it as he got into next to me. I turned my head to face him and he did the same.

"I don't feel well," I lied, I felt fine but I knew if I said that he'd cuddle me.

"Come here," he said and opened his arms, i tried not to smile too much as I shuffled into his arms and let him cuddle me. I rested my head down on his chest and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. I missed him so much, the comfort of being in his arms and thinking nothing could ever go wrong and the way he could make me smile whenever I was down, I missed everything about him.

"What are you thinking about?" he whispered.

"Mm..nothing," I said quietly, opening my eyes again.

"You've been quiet for about ten minutes," he told me, was I really day dreaming for that long? I didn't answer him and started drawing circles on his chest with my nail making him shiver a little under me. I bit my lip as I felt myself welling up, stupid drink making me emotional, if I was sober I'd be able to handle it but because of the drink there was no way of hiding my tears. I sniffed quietly and tried to wipe away my falling tears but didn't get there in time as one dripped onto Aston's chest, followed by a few more.

"Babe, are you crying?" he asked quietly which make me cry even more.

"Hey, whats wrong?" he asked with a frown as he lifted my head up to look at him, gently wiping away my tears with his thumbs.

"Its nothing," I said and shook my head.

"It doesn't look like nothing to me,"

"Its just the drink," I whispered.

"No, its not. You don't cry this much," He said and I knew there was no way of getting out of it, I had to tell him.

"I just miss you so much," I whispered, sniffing. I saw his face instantly soften.

"I miss you too, more that you could believe," He told me.

"But why? I was such a bitch to you, breaking up how we did..I never meant to hurt you,"

"I know you didn't but it was my own fault, i had it coming and I should've sorted myself out,"

"I should've give you another chance,"

"I didn't deserve one, you gave me enough,"

"Its too late now," I sniffed.

"Why would you think that?" he asked.

"Katie," I bit my lip, trying to avoid eye contact and that made Aston sigh.

"No babe, we're not together..I only brought her to make you jealous but it all got out of hand,"

"What? you're not seeing each other?" I asked, shocked and looked back at him.

"No," he smiled a little making me smile too.

"Does she know that?"

"Yes, I said that we weren't from the beginning, she wanted you both to make up too, she was only helping me out with pretending we were seeing each other and then I was going to help her too," He explained.


"What about that guy at the club?" He asked.

"What about him?"

"Why were you with him? its clear you weren't interested,"

"I saw your face when you saw me with him so thought I'd make you jealous because you were with Katie," I shrugged.

"We're both as bad as each other," he laughed a little, I nodded.

"So what does this mean?"


"Well will you give me another chance?" he said quietly, I sighed and looked down.

"I don't know Aston, I don't think its fair on you,"

"On me?"

"Yeah, one minute I break up with you then we sleep together then I change my mind and say we should move on and now I'm saying I miss you,"

"Well yeah it did fuck with my head a little,"

"Exactly, i can't keep doing it,"

"You won't, if we get back together then it's for good,"

"I don't know, I'll see. Its late, we should sleep..we'll talk more in the morning," I told him, lying down properly.

"Yeah," he sighed and laid down too, still cuddling me close, "Night Amelia,"

"Night Aston, I'm sorry to keep messing with your head," I whispered, closing my eyes.

"Its fine, you're worth it," he told me making me smile like a mad woman before falling into a quick sleep.

What do you think Amelia should say?
100 reads and 2 comments before I update please.
Thanks for reading x

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