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"Ahh Ms. Colman, I love how you designed this bob." My instructor said as she approached my booth. "Keep up with the good work."

I smiled at her comment and gave myself a little pat on the back. Once she finished giving us a little spiel, she dismissed us. I started on gathering all of my beauty supplies and stuffed them in my tote. As I left the building, I heard my phone ringing in my jacket pocket. It was my best friend Charity.

"Bitch!" she yelled into the phone.

"Hey girl," I said as I approached my car. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing really," she said. "I was wondering what you have planned later on."

"Um nothing, I don't think," I said starting up the engine. "Just pretty much study for this exam I have coming up."

"Oh ok well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with Lance and me."

"Nah I'm good off that." I smiled. As I began to slow down at the light, I saw a crack head approaching my car. Automatically I locked the doors and avoided eye contact. Just a force of habit. "I'm really not trying to be a third wheel."

"You won't be third wheeling at all-girl, It's that time of the month so he's not getting none anyways." She said. "We can all watch a movie or something."

"I'll pass girl, but thanks for the offer," I said. Before heading back to my place, I decided on stopping at a bodega so I can grab some snacks for my little study session. "Plus, shouldn't you be studying as well?"

"I study? Bitch do you realize who you're talking to?" She laughed as if I said the joke of the century.

"Girl whatever, but look I'm going to talk to you once I get back home," I said as I finished parking. "Love you, mamas."

"Love you too pooh." She said before we disconnected.

As I got out of my car and locked the doors, I put my hoodie on and hurried in the store. It was brick outside and the cold had my nipples hard as hell.

Walking into the store I smiled at the clerk and went to where the chips were. I grabbed a bag of Doritos, hot Cheetos, and white cheddar popcorn. When I walked up to the clerk booth, I asked for some skittles, starburst, and a Hershey bar.

"$5.40." She said in her thick Spanish accent. I gave her $6.00 and left out with my goodies. As I was walking towards my car I heard somebody attempt to catcall me.

"Aye, ma." A guy called out. I ignored him and kept walking. "Ma." He called again. "I know you hear me."

"I hear you," I said back.

"If you hear me then let me holla at you for a minute." He said trying to keep up with me.

"Well first off my name ain't 'ma' so let's get that straight," I said as I stopped walking. "And second of all, I have a boyfriend and he kills people." I lied.

"You talking like that's suppose to scare a nigga." He said licking his lips. He then pulled his jacket to the side, revealing his piece. "But then again I'd kill a nigga if they were tryna holla at your pretty ass too."

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