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"Bae I'm bout to be out, you need anything?"

"Just bring me back some cookie dough ice cream."

"That nasty shit?"

"Boy bye."

"Aight love." I kissed her lips before heading out to pick up Lance.

As I pushed the button to start , I looked at the passenger seat and saw ol' girl's lip gloss. I made a mental note to bring it over to her later.
"Wassup dark ass." Lance said as he got in.

"Shit the fuck up, I know you not talking." I said as I dapped him up.

"I'm serious, this heat gotchu' looking like Michael Blackson."

"But you lookin' like somethin' that burnt in the fuckin oven."

"I ain't that dark nigga."

"Aight midnight." I chuckled. I pulled out his driveway and headed towards the trap.

Once we got there , I was greeted by one of my workers.

"Wassup boss." He said as we exchanged a hand shake.

"Sup Rock, tell me the 411." I said as we headed to my office.

"Well nothing to report, money goin' smooth, no ones been shot."

"That's what I like to hear." 

Rock was new to the corporation. He 17 but he smarter than all theses other niggas. I was skeptical bout hiring him but he needed some extra cash so who am I to judge.

"Yeah but boss you think I can ask a favor?"


"You think you can give me some extra cash, mom's struggling wit' rent and shit."

I walked to my desk and pulled out a stack. "Here." I handed it to him.

"Thanks boss."

"No problem, now get back to work." He dismissed himself and went back downstairs. A few seconds later, Lance came walking in with our week's cut.

"This all of it?" I asked looking through the duffle bag.

"It better be." He said sitting down.

"Yo I'm starting to get tired of counting all this shit."

"I've been trying to tell you we need some female workers."

"Have you met the niggas that work here? They'll most likely bang every single one." I said. "Plus we've been good lately and if we hire some females that'll just be a distraction for everyone."

"Everyone including you?"

"Nah I already got my female at home." I said sitting back in my chair. "But you on the other hand.."

"Man I'm straight, ain't no girls goin' steal me from Mya."

"Yeah ok."

"I'm serious." He said grabbing a few stacks. "But on some real shit, we need someone to count all this cause it damn sure won't be me."

I took the rubber bands off a few and started counting. "Aight I'll make a deal witchu, if this business stays steady and chill then I'll think about hiring some females or somethin' as a reward."

"Sounds like a deal."

Once Lance and I finished countin' up the money, we splinted it up so everyone would get they cut. Once that was finished I decided on dropping the lip gloss at ol girl.

When I got there, I picked it up and walked to her doorstep.

"Oh hey, look who it is." She said smiling hard. "I see you missed me."

"Look I ain't come to small talk witchu' , but you left this in my car." I showed her the container.

"Oh thank you, I had planned on using it that night but you wasn't down." She said taking it slowly.

"Yeah you right, I wasn't."

"Well thanks anyways, there's always a next time."

"You thought wrong." I said backing off her porch.



"I owe you for the other night."

"It's coo ma."

"No really."

"Look I said it's coo you don't have to do anything ."

"Well can I at least give you a hug?"

I shrugged and gave her a small hug but I had felt her kiss on my neck.

"Woah chill." I said pushing back. "Don't do that shit."

"Yeah yeah, I'll see you later papi." She winked before going back in.

I walked away and back to my car.

Before I went back to the crib, I went to go pick up Isis's ice cream.

Walking inside, I went upstairs and saw Isis sound asleep. I removed my shirt and pants before climbing in with her.

"Babe.." she said all raspy.

"Yea?" I said kissing her shoulder.

"Why do you smell like perfume."

"I went to go stop at my mom's crib on my way back." I lied.

"Oh ok." She said before going back to sleep.

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