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"Ok class ladies and jets, before I dismiss you I just wanna remind you that if you guys haven't bought you your cap and gown, they are for purchase Friday morning." Our professor said before dismissing us. I grabbed my things and waited for Charity to bring her ass on.

"Ooh sorry girl I had to talk to Professor real quick." She said walking up to me.

"It's all good, but what are you doing later?" I asked as we walked out of the building

"Maybe chill with Lance later on why?"

"Nothing just wondering." I shrugged my shoulders. "Just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out but never mind." I sighed.

"Awwh I'm sorry boo but I'll stop by." She said. I nodded and we walked towards to the parking lot and into our separate cars. As I drove down the highway, I blasted my speakers all the way up as soon as I heard Dave East's voice. That's my husband for real like he just so sexy to me.

Once I got back to my apartment, I opened up my front door and plopped on my sofa. I was drained. I must've been hella exhausted since I didn't hear my front door open.

"Chocolate!" I heard my younger bro say.

"Caramel." I said happily.

I love having my little bro around me. I care for him so badly, he's my one and only sibling I have and I'll be damned if anything happens to him. We've been close since day 1, but when I moved and went off to college, he decided to take a different path in life. We're still close no matter what though.

"You should really lock your door, anyone could've barged in here."

"Like what yo light skin ass did." I chuckled.

"That's different, I'm your brother." He said sitting down. "But anyways, what you been up to? How's school?"

"I've been chillin and school is great. I'm almost finished." I said. "You think you could make it to the ceremony?"

"You know I am ."

"Yayyyy!" I yelled, hugging him.

"Get off me with all that yelling." He pushed me. "But anyways I came back to tell you your Dad in town."

"He is?! Why?!" I yelled. I swear I don't like my dad, I don't even consider him as a father. Just because you impregnated my mother, doesn't give you the right to treat me like shit.

"Him and mom are working on things I guess."

"Why? She knows how he is towards me."

"Isis chill out we all know but let's just see how the shit goes."

"I thought you ain't like him Ju, what made you change your perspective?"

"Man I still don't like that nigga, but if moms is happy again then so be it."

Hearing my brother speak so calm about my so called "father", made me gag. He basically talked bad to my mom and I and treated us like shit when I was younger. What father does that? What father puts his hands on his loving wife? What father tries to put his daughter up for adoption? Please name me one. I strongly dislike that man and I don't think me and him will ever have a regular relationship. Ever.

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