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*2 weeks later*
🎈Isis's Birthday🎈

Ohmygod yesss it's finally my birthday and a bitch excited. I cannot wait to turn up with my closest peers tonight and get wasted.

Every year, I would have Charity pick out the place we'd go but to my surprise Cam suggested the place for tonight.

Waking up this morning, I smelt something burning. Like for real it's my birthday and i have to wake up to a fire burning in my house.

I rushed downstairs and sped to the kitchen. Walking in there I saw Cameron putting out a small fire in one of the cooking pans.

When he looked up, he hurried to put the pan in the sink.

"Shit Isis you wasn't suppose to wake up yet." He said washing the pan. "Dammit."

I laughed and helped him air out the kitchen. "What were you trying to do? Burn out my kitchen?"

"I was tryna surprise you with breakfast, but that obviously ain't happenin'."

"But you can't cook." I pointed out. He glared at me.

"You ain't had to point that shit out Isis." He said getting mad.

"I'm sorry babe." I said hugging him. "But thank you for trying to be sweet." I pecked his lips and smiled.

"Yeah yeah." He said kissing me back. "But go put on some clothes I got a few surprises for you before we head out tonight."

I smiled. "Where we going?"

"No where special, just somewhere you could get ya hair and nails done at."

"Ok, I'll be right back."

I went upstairs and took a quick shower before throwing some sweats and a sweatshirt. "K I'm ready."

He threw on a shirt and his Nike slides. "Aight let's go birthday girl." I smiled and walked outside to the car with Cam behind me.

I swear to god Cam owes me big time for this deal he had me do. I had woke up, earlier than usual, to head down at this nightclub me and Cam used to go to while I used to fuck the owner. She was a bit old for me but her pussy was off the chain.

But fast forwarding i asked if I could rent out the place and of course she was feeling up on a nigga , flirting with me and shit. If I was a couple years younger like before I would've banged shawty in the bathroom but now I found it plain disgusting.

Long story short I got the place for Cam and I couldn't have been anymore relieved.

"Yo baby! Where you at?!" I yelled through the house. I tossed my keys on the counter and slipped off my Jordans.

"In the bathroom babe." Mya said. I jogged up the stairs and saw her doing something with her hair.

"Whatchu' doin' to your hair? It looks funny."

"I'm wrapping it." She said. She was wrapping her hair around her head with a small comb.

"Well what's with the hole in the center of your hair then?"

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