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"Hey Isis."

"Hey boo, whatcha doing?"I asked her. It felt like I haven't heard from Charity in awhile and didn't really get to hang out with her from my party so I felt it would be nice to catch up.

"Nothing." She said flatly.

"Oh." I said. "Well I was wondering that maybe we sho-"

"Julius stoppp." She giggled. "I'm on the phone."

"Your with Julius?" I asked shocked.

"Uh yeah, he came by so we could chill." She said, still giggling.

"Oh, well like I was saying I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out and get our nails done."

"That sounds nice and all but I'm kinda occupied at the moment."

"Oh, well let me know when you'll be avail-"

"Ok Isis , bye." She said hanging up. The fuck. I was so confused . Charity is always on board when it's time to get our nails done , so for her to decline was odd. And on top of that she's acting all lovey dovey with Julius. I don't care that her and Ju are talking but I would appreciate it if one of them had them balls to tell me.

"Hey babe , what's up." Cam said walking in.

"Hey." I sighed.

"What's up with you?" He said sitting next to me. I slid onto his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I had called Charity to see if she wanted to hang out but she just declined and hung up the phone."

"What's wrong with that?" He asked.

"She never says no when it comes to going to the nail salon, so I was just a little taken back." I said.

"Maybe she doesn't want to chill, ain't no big deal."

"Yeah ok." I sighed. "Where were you though?"

"The warehouse, needed to see how things were going." I nodded and got up from the bed. There's something I wanted to share with Cam that I thought was pretty important.



"I have some news."

"Depends on how you take it."

He gave me a questionable look as I picked up the opened letter I received this morning. I handed it to him and watched as he read.

"So.." he started. "You're moving to Cali?"

"So far...yeah." I said. "But I don't wanna lose us so I was hoping that you would come with me."

"For real?" I nodded. "It's a big step don't you think?"

"But this could be a change for the both of us babe, me hairstyling at one of the best known salons in the country and having my man by my side."

"You really want this , don't you?" I nodded. "Aight man, since this is your dream I want you to live it."

That automatically brought a huge smile on my face. I don't know why I thought he would've backed out but considering the fact that he didn't, gave me joy.

"So does that mean we should start packing?" He asked hugging my waist.

"Uhh yeah." I said in duh tone.

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