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I was so relieved when I finally made it to Cali, the plane ride was just too much. I didn't know what was worse, the lady that was terrified of heights or the little boy that kept kicking my damn seat. But it's whatever, I'm just glad it's all over.

Once I grabbed my luggage from the baggage claim section, I went outside to wait for my Uber ride.

Once the car pulled up, the driver helped me with my bags and took me to the hotel I was staying in.

"Can you wait down here while I check in?" I asked as we pulled up to the main entrance.

"Sure thing." He said turning the car off. I got my bags out the car and went inside. The hotel was really pretty, and big. Something like the hotel from Home Alone 2.

"Hi, I'd like to check in a room." I said to the receptionist.

"Sure, and can I have a name." She smiled.

"Isis Coleman."

She typed in my name and other information before giving me my room key.

When I got up to the room, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was so beautiful. A huge living room, a spacious bedroom, and a floor to ceiling window. It was to die for.

As much as I wanted to explore some more, I had to go back downstairs to my ride so I can go to the beauty shop.
"Hi my name is Isis Coleman and I'm here to see Regina Combs."

The beauty shop was located in a pretty nice area. Despite from the guys that would hang out front, it was a bit crowded.

"Do you have an appointment?" The receptionist asked with a little attitude.

"Well not a hair appointment." I said. "I'm going to be working here soon and she had sent me a letter saying she wanted to meet me."

The receptionist rolled her eyes and dialed for Ms. Combs.

Less than a minute, a pretty young but middle aged women walked over. I stood up and straightened my outfit.

"Ahh so you must be Isis." She smiled. I nodded. "I'm Regina but you can call me Ms.Gina." She said.

"Hi, its so nice to see you." I smiled.

"Likewise now follow me." I followed her from around the front and walked behind her.

"Here is my husband's barbershop, don't pay none of the young boy's mind if they try to talk to ya, they always be like that when they see fresh meat." She winked.

I looked at some of the guys that were eyeing me and licking they lips. Some even whistled. We started walking to the next section of the shop and I guessed it was her part of the shop due to all the women that were here.

"And this is my section. It's usually not this crowded but most of these ladies are heading out to the club tonight to see some famous guy group."

"Oh really? Which group?"

"Oh what's they name? Miga...Ligos...Frigos..."

"It's Migos mama." One girl said.

"Oh yeah, them." Ms Gina said. I chuckled as some of the women did the same. "But Isis I'd like you to meet my daughter Diamond."

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