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As Isis and I was about to get it on, I had gotten a few missed calls and texts from Lance.

"Man what the fuck?" I said into the phone.

"Yo I need you to come pick me up."

"Nigga you have a car." I said as Isis began to kiss on my neck.

"Not no more." He said. "Look I just need you to drop me off somewhere that's  it."

I looked down at Isis's hand which was on my lap. As much as I ain't want to I had to go see what was up with him. He owes me big time though.

"Aight nigga, where you at?" I asked.

"The Burger King on Canal Street."

"Aight I'll be there in 10." I hung up the phone and got up from the bed.

"Babyy." Isis whined. "Where you going?"

"I gotta go meet Lance real quick."

"He can wait." She said sucking her teeth. "I have needs."

"Don't worry." He chuckled. "I'll give you the pipe when I get back."

"Yeah ok." She smirked. I slipped on my Nike slippers and grabbed my phone and keys before leaving out the door.
"Nigga you betta have a good explanation as to why I'm picking you up at 3'o clock in the morning." I said as he got in my car. This nigga ain't even say hi or nothing, he just sat down and stayed quiet.

"I know you hear me talkin' to yo rabbit ass."

"Charity kicked me out." He said finally.

"For what?"

"She looked through my phone and saw that me and ol' girl was fuckin' around."

"Damn." I sighed.

"So y'all is just..?" He nodded his head. "Well you should've never cheated then nigga." I said stopping at the red light.

"I know mane." He sighed.

"Let me ask you sum." I said. "Have you ever cheated on Charity before dawg?" He was silent. "How many times?"


"And does she know that?"

"She only caught me twice, the other three times she don't know about." He said. "I don't man, Charity a good girl and I love her but I just feel my ways comin' back."

"I hear ya." I said. "So what you goin' do now?"

"Ion even know bruh, she prolly at the crib cryin' ha' eyes out tho." He said.

I nodded and continued to drop off Lance at this place he directed me to.

"Who's house is this?" I asked him. I saw him text someone and the front door had opened, revealing a girl. As she walked towards the car, I realized it was the same girl from the trap. She was wearing a silk robe and her hair was all curly.

"Aight man thanks." Lance said unbuckling his seat belt. I nodded and watched the two go inside the house.

When is this nigga goin learn...
Just a lil sum sum to end the day wit...don't forget to comment and vote❣💕

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