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Isis *2 weeks Later*

"Isis hurry up, your ass taking dumb long."

"Cam you should shut hell up cause it be taking you at least an hour just to find a hat to match with your watch."

"Oh so it's my fault for trying to look good in public?"

"I never said that." I said grabbing my purse. "You ready?"

"Yea lets bounce."

Me and Cam we on our way to go meet Lance and Charity to the mall so we can all hang out.

"Hey boo!" I yelled as I saw Chairty.

"Hey bitch!" Charity yelled as she embraced me with a hug. I gave Lance a hug and Cam gave him a dap. We all started out to shop a few little stores before we sat and chilled by the food court. "So how y'all been?"

"We good I guess." I shrugged. "How bout y'all?"

They looked at each other then rolled their eyes.

"Uh oh what happened?"

"You wanna tell them?" Charity said looking at him with her arms crossed.

"Man." He started sucking his teeth. "Ion wanna start this shit again."

"No Lance tell them, tell them what asshole thing you did to me."

"Charity how many fucking times I gotta tell you that I ain't know the bitch, she was just in my DMs textin me out the blue."

"You're such a fucking lier Lance I swear I can't witchu."

"I ain't lying yo, I ain't never lied to you before so why should I start now?"

"No Lance like right now I want you to leave me alone."

"Whatever yo." The two literally sat up and went opposite directions. I was so confused and I can say the same for Cam. 

"What just happened?" I asked.

Cam shook his head. "I have no clue."

Cam P.O.V
"Yo Lance wait up!" I yelled after him. I was so damn confused as to what had happened back there, I needed to see what's up.

I caught with him as soon as he was about to walk out the exit. "Yo what was that all about?"

"Bro," he started. "Remember that girl we saw at the trap the other night?"

"The lightskin broad?" He nodded. "Well I gave her a ride back to her crib and she invited inside and then one thing led to another..."

I can't believe this nigga don' did the unthinkable. He's fucked.

"Damn L." I sighed looking at the mall. "Is you goin tell Charity?"

"Nah man."

"So what you goin do?"

"Ion kno man." He sighed. "But I don't regret bout doing it with shawty."

"Charity it's ok, I bet he's not even cheating." I tried to comfort her.

"Isis I saw them texting each other." She sniffed. "Ever since him and Cam went to handle that situation, he's been texting someone like constantly."

"What if it's a family member?" I shrugged.

"Why would they text him on Instagram?"

"They was probably on there at the moment."

She chuckled. "Your dumb Isis."

"I know I am now let's get out of this stall."

As Charity left the bathroom, some girl had stopped me. I turned around and looked at her.

"Hi I'm sorry for eavesdropping but I couldn't help but hear your girl cry about her nigga."

"And what does that have to do with you?" I asked crossing her arms.

"Because I'm her."

I gave her a questioned look. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm the girl who her nigga been fuckin with." She said.

I had to blink twice. I'm not goin lie she was rather pretty but she came at me a bit strong.

As I was about to say something else, I heard Charity call my name through the bathroom door.

"Look it's obvious you wanna talk and ask questions so here's my number." She wrote her number on a piece of paper and handed it to me. "So hit me up when you wanna talk."

I watched her leave out the bathroom before returning back to Charity. I saw her eye the girl for a moment. "Hey you good?"

"Yeah but do you know her?"

"No, why?"

She just shook her head as we left out the mall.
"Babe can I ask you a question?" I asked Cam. He was on his phone while I sat on his lap.

"Wassup." He said.

"Is Lance really cheating?"

He popped his head up and looked at me. "Nah."

"You sure? Cause this girl approached me saying they've been messing around."

"You serious?"

"Yeah." I said. "I wanted to ask her more questions but Charity had called me."

"Don't meet up wit her, it ain't ya place."

"But that's my best friend." I said. "It's my job to tell her information like this."

"Ok but that's their business. You interfering with they shit just goin cause more shit." I rolled my eyes. "Promise me you won't meet up with this girl."

"I promise." I sighed.

"Aight now gimme kiss." He said slapping my ass.

"Ouch! Nope now you not getting one." I said pulling away.

"Girl stop playing." He pulled me onto his lap. I sucked my teeth and gave him a quick kiss. "That ain't no kiss."

I laughed. "What you mean?"

"Where's the tongue, I want that wet shit."

I laughed and gave him the kiss he wanted, tongue and everything. When I pulled back, he had a funny smile on his face.

"Ugly ass." I said. He sucked hi teeth before tossing me on the bed and walking to the bathroom. I started cracking up at his little attitude.

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