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The Date💋 (Cont'd)


"You look good."

"So do you."

"Appreciate it ma." He smiled. "You ready?"

"Yup." I followed him down the hallway and into the elevator. I could feel him staring at me and from the corner of my eye I see him licking his lips which caused me to blush a little.

"Like what you see?" I joked.

"I do very much." He said. As the elevator opened, I followed him out and we left out the main lobby.

"Where's your car?" I asked looking around.

"I didn't bring it."

"Why not? How'd you get here?"

"I took an uber." He said typing on his phone. Seconds later, a car pulled up a few cars down from us. "C'mon."

I smiled and went inside the car. I made sure to spot the Uber sticker on the windshield just to make sure. "Where are we going?" I asked as we got in the back seat.

"It's a surprise. Didn't you read the text?"

"Yeah but I still wanna know where we're going."

"Well you just gon' have to wait." He said. I playfully rolled my eyes and got comfortable in my seat.

The whole car ride was about 30 minutes but seemed like an hour. We weren't in the city anymore but instead we arrived to a...carnival?

"What are we doing at a carnival?" I asked confused. "Is this the mystery location?"

"Yeah, now stop asking questions and let's go." He said giving the cab driver the money. He held out the door for me and grabbed my hand leading towards the ticket booth.

"Can me and my girl get to wristbands." He said to the staff member.

"That'll be $40." Cam gave the lady the money and she wrapped the wristbands around our wrist. "Have a nice night."

"Thank you." I said. We walked around the fair trying to figure out which rides we should ride.

"Which one you wanna do first?" He asked.

"That one." I said pointing to the large roller coaster.

"You sure you can handle it?"

"I can handle anything."

"Oh word?" He asked .

"Not like that." I chuckled.

"Aye you said it." He smirked. We got in our seats which were in the front and waited for the ride to start. Lord watch over me.

Oh my lord, when I tell you my stomach feels fucked up, I mean it. After the first ride, we rode on every single roller coaster the whole night. I was screaming like a bitch and so was Cam on some rides.

After leaving the final ride, we got something eat and went on something a little more calm. The Ferris Wheel. As we got on the ride, it moved slowly in a circular motion.

"How you liking the date so far?" He asked.

"I'm really enjoying myself, I haven't been to a carnival in so long."

"I'm glad you liking it." He said. "I just didn't wanna take you to a restaurant on our first date, I wanted to wait later on."

"So there's going to be more than one date?"

"Of course, I wasn't joking when I said I wanted you."

I felt myself blushing and smiling at the same time. Cam really is a charmer. "Well I'm happy I said yes to this date." I said.

"So am I ma." He whispered. He scooted closer and kissed me. On the lips. I kissed him back. On the lips as well. I knew he wanted to explore deeper because I felt his tongue on my bottom lip but I just pecked him, it was too early for all that. "Ya' lips soft as hell ma."

"Yours are too." I smiled. His lips were so plump and right, and the breath was on breeze. Love to see it.

As we reached the bottom, the man had let us off. We walked towards the little booths and I saw a huge stuffed animal I wanted. Cam saw the animal and went towards the booth.

"Ayo, how much is that stuffed animal?"

"No price, all you have to do is knock over those three bottles in one try." The man said.

"Aight." Cam placed a dollar and the man gave him a ball. He threw it but didn't make it.

"Oooh nice try, you were so close."

"Again." Cam said. The man gave him another try and he still missed. Cam placed another dollar and this time he made it.

"Congratulations my boy, you finally made it now pick your prize." Cam pointed to the giant Hello Kitty bear and the man gave me it. "Such a beautiful bear for a beautiful girl."

"Thank you." I smiled. I held the bear in one arm and Cam's hand in the other. We walked towards the parking lot and waited for a ride.

A few minutes later, an Uber pulled up and drove us to my apartment. When Kam and I made it to my front door it was a bit awkward.

"Well tonight was amazing, I can't wait for the next adventure."

"Same here." He said licking his lips.

"So goodnight." I trailed off.

"Wait." I turned around and he crashed his lips on mine, again. I couldn't help help but kiss him back, but this time our tongues were involved. I felt his hands on my waist as he pulled me closer.

"Hold on hold on." I said breathing heavily.

"What?" He asked as he looked into my eyes.

"I'm not trying to rush into things, you know." I said. He nodded and pecked my lips for the last time.

"No problem, I'ma call you once I get into the crib."  He said. I nodded and sent him a little smile. Once i got in, I leaned against my door and just stared at nothing in particular.

Ohh jesus watch over me.
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