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Oh my god , you have no idea how relieved I am to be back home. Once the pilot announced we had landed, I was so happy. Even though I'd have to go back, I'm still going to enjoy my last moments back home.

Plus my birthday is coming up and I'm excited as hell.

Once I finally got my luggage from the baggage claim, I went to the parking lot to retrieve my car.

"Hey bae." I smiled.

"Wassup ma, where you at?" He answered.

"I'm getting on the freeway now, I should be there in a bit."

"Aight hurry yo ass here."

"Don't rush me boy who you think you are?"

"Yo daddy now hurry up." He hung up. I shook my head and continued driving. I turned the radio station to Hot 97 to listen to Ebro in the Morning.

While bopping my head to a Dave East song, I kept thinking how life would be like if I lived over in Cali. I wonder if I'll like it, or if Cam would like it too. I would really love it if he came to live with me knowing his "job" is down here.

I don't know, only time will tell.
When I finally got home, I unlocked the door and smiled at the sight of Cam sitting on the couch.

"Babbyyy!!" I yelled dropping my things, running towards him. I jumped on his lap and kissed all over his face.

"Aye what's good girl." He said kissing my lips. "I missed you."

"I missed you more." I mumble against his lips. "What'd you do while I was gone."

He pecked my lips one last time. "Nothin' really, just went out with Lance that one night."

"How was it? No girls ain't try nothing did they?" I asked.

"Now you know I wouldn't let no girl near me so cut that shit out." He said kissing my neck.

"Mhm ok." I tilted my head to the side giving him full access to my neck as he continued to kiss it. I let out a few giggles as I felt his teeth. "Cam quit now you getting too aggressive."

"My bad but I really missed you ma." He said squeezing my ass.

"Actions speak louder than words." I said. "Come show me." I bit my lip pulling him to the room. He licked his lips and followed.

After making love and breaking out Isis's back a few times we had both taken separate showers and decided on going out somewhere.

"Babe where are we going? I don't know whether to wear something casual or formal." She said straightening her hair.

"We just catching a movie then out to eat so dress casual."

I got dressed in my Bathing Ape hoodie and True Religions with some Air Force 1s.

Isis had on her pink V.S hoodie with bleached Jeans and the same shoes I had on.

"Ready?" I asked grabbing my wallet. She nodded as she picked up her phone and followed me to the front door.

I held the door open for her as she walked in front.

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