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So I come home today from our last full days of school and here comes Isis throwing me this bomb to my face. She texted me saying she's going to throw a graduation party and has the NERVE to invite the bitch Lance cheated on me with. What best friend does some shit like that? I know if Cam was to cheat, I wouldn't be all ke-ke with her. That's some foul shit.

After I had gotten home, I decided on changing into a tee and joggers and just watched some tv. But before I got too comfortable, someone had knocked on my door. I got up and walked over to the door and opened it. To my surprise it was Isis's brother, Julius.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Wus good." He said licking his lips. Oh my gawd his lips.

"Nothing much, what brings you by?" I asked him.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to take a ride wit' me to the mall."

"Um sure just let me put on my shoes." I quickly went over to my room and slipped on some ankle socks and my white air forces. I joined Julius in the hall and we walked down to his car.

"How come you wanted me to come with you?" I asked as he drove off.

He shrugged. "I needed help picking out a gift for Isis tomorrow and I figured since you ha' best friend, you could help me wit' that."

"Well aren't you her brother? You should know what kind of stuff she like."

"Look smartass, I ain't wanna be in no female store by myself. That's some fruity shit and I ain't with it." He said.

I smirked. "Whatever."

When we pulled up to the mall, it was dead. The whole mall was basically
empty. The first store we went to was footlocker. As soon as we stepped in I immediately spotted the perfect shoe she'll love. I picked them up and showed them to Julius.

"She wears Pumas?"

"Yeah, we have a few matching pairs." I told him. The shoe was all Pink with a shine to it.

"Aight then." He said. We took it to the register as he paid for them.

The next store we went to was Gucci and bought her some accessories.
"Thanks for helping with this shoppin' shit." He said as we pulled up to my place.

"No problem." I said. "Where are you about to go to now?"

"The crib." He sighed. "Bag these shits."

I nodded. "Well do you mind coming inside for a few?"


I got out the car and walked up to my apartment with Julius right behind me. I unlocked my door and walked over to the kitchen.

"Want anything to drink?" I offered.

"Whatchu got?" He asked hanging his jacket on the hook.

"Umm..juice, wine, henny, and soda." I said looking around the kitchen.

"Pop out the henny." He said. I grabbed my henny bottle from the cabinet and two glasses. I poured some in mine and some in his.

"Here." I said handing him his glass. I sat next to him and watched him roll up a blunt.

"You smoke?" He asked me. I shook my head. "Well you goin start."

"What if I don't want to?"

"Well just try it." He said lighting it up. The way he took that hit was so sexy to me. He took a few more before handing it to me.

I took it and examined it before putting it to my lips. I tried to take a drag but I kept coughing like I was dying.

"Damn ma." He chuckled while patting my back. "You good?"

"Yea." I chuckled. "I think I'm good for now." I handed it back to him.

"Hold on ma, I know what to do." He grabbed me onto his lap and took a long drag from his blunt. He then slowly leaned up and kissed me slowly. I felt the smoke lead into my mouth as his tongue made an entrance. He pulled back as he watched me exhale the smoke.

"Wow." I said lowly.

"Try it now." I took the blunt from his hands and took a few puffs without coughing. "Damn."

"What?" I asked blowing out.

"You look hella sexy when you smoke."

"So do you." I winked.

He licked his lips again, goddamn, and leaned towards me for a kiss. Oh my god his lips, his lips are so soft it's crazy. He was steady with the kiss and had a good slow pace to it. He slowly slid his tongue in my mouth as I did the same in his.

I started to feel his hands go from my cheek to my lower back and onto my ass, giving it a squeeze.

This make out session was going so good until...his phone rang.

"Ignore it." I said while kissing him.

"I can't." He said lowly. He picked it up and answered it. "Hey Ma."


"At what time?"


"Aight I'll be there in a few."


"I love you too." He smiled before hanging up. "My bad Charity."

"It's fine." I said. "Go handle what you gotta do."

"Aight." I got off his lap and sat back on the couch watching him put his jacket back on. "You going to Isis's party right?"

"Yeah I'll be there." I said walking towards the door, opening it for him.

"Aight coo." He walked out in the hallway. "See you there beautiful."

I smiled as he gave me kiss goodbye. I closed the door and leaned on the door.


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