Staying Alive

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"Here", said Thorin , handing Bilbo a mithril vest. He took it and tried it on. It actually suited him well. "I look absurd!" He exclaimed. "Come on now Bilbo don't be a spoil sport!" I tease. Thorin laughs. I smile. Its not often I can make someone smile.

I turn around and carry on walking. Wait. Won't the Elves and men of Lake Town use swords and bows? Didn't Thorin say nothing can pierce mithril?

"Wait. How about we all wear mithril?" Thorin looks at me flabbergasted. "What?" "Well if they try to stab us we'll sort of deflect it with the armour", I reply to a shocked King Under The Mountain. "She's right you know", Balin tells Thorin. He regains his usual look and turns to everybody: "Listen to (y/n). She's got the right idea." Fili and Kili smile at me. Well that's two smiles if the day.

As I suit up with my vest of mithril Fili turns to me and says: "You have a very sharp mind." "Thanks." "Yeah", says Kili joining us. They're really good at motivation. I can see why Tauriel fell for Kili. Although I don't really know Fili can carry all his weapons. He like pulls them out of thin air!

After that happy talk I find myself in the middle of the battle field murdering Gundabad Orcs to save Thorin's, Fili's and Kili's lives. Number one on my " What could go wrong" list.

I hear a groan. Oh no. I ran up the broken staircase to find Bilbo and Thorin both standing and glaring at a pale orc with with pure hate. Azog the Defiler. He began to speak in the accursed Black language: "Today, that line of Durin will fall! Starting with this one!" He held up Fili and stabbed him. "NOOOO!" a scream escaped Bibo. Azog dropped him. This was bait. Bait. How could I be so stupid. Kili... He's going to kill Kili...

The thought was too much. He's going to kill my best friends one by one. The worm. Before I knew it I was running to find Kili and save him. Even if it meant dying in the attempt. "Kili! Where are you?" I shouted desperately. I searched and searched. Where is he?

Kili stormed through the place. He was not going to do this on his own. "Wait! I'm coming too!" I shouted. He ignored me. Oh no... He's reached the top. Well almost. And ... wait that's Bolg. The worm's offspring. Oh boy.

He was fighting Bolg. He was fighting Bolg. "KILI!" I scream. Bolg stabs him. No... Tauriel...she's too late to save him. She mustered her courage and began to fight. She deflects his hit. I run up to see what's happening. Before a reach I hear Tauriel moan. "Tauriel!"

I run up. Bolg is advancing towards her, sword drawn and everything. I jump in front of him. "You shall not pass!" I say. He laughs and says in Black language: "How are you going to save this she-elf?" An arrow whizzes past him. "With my help," Tauriel says. I smile.

We gang up on him. We fight until we tire him. Tauriel brings him down. I stab him in the chest. I hear the groan of an orc. Not just an orc. Azog. I hope he died a savage death.

The battle was won. We hugged each other and wept. Our good friends are dead. Wait. Didn't they all wear mithril. I run to Fili's body. I check his heart beat. His alive but unconscious. That means Kili. I run up to the place of the battle with Bolg.

Tauriel is still here. "Tauriel, he's alive." She looks up at me and replies in Elvish : "But... He was stabbed... H-he can't be alive." "He wore mithril , it can't be pierced by anything. He's only unconscious." She stops sobbing and takes his hand. On my way out I meet Legolas. "Hi", he says in Elvish. "Hi." "So what are you going to do know?" "Don't know." "Well how about coming with me (y/n)?"

I could never guess why Legolas would ever have a crush on me. It just seems so random. But I won't judge. Thranduil reckons because of my skill. Thorin's going to be pretty sad I'm leaving though. I overheard him telling Balin to convince me to stay. Well I've up my mind. I'm going.

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