The Fish In The Barrels

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Hey guys I'm sorry about the previous one shot... It went a little too fast... Anyway thanks for over 100 reads :3

"What are you trying to do? Drown us?" Asked Thorin angrily. I looked over at the dwarves. "I was born and bred on these waters. If I wanted to drown you, I would not do it here," said Bard. That was true. I wouldn't drown them here... Or would I?

We carried on moving through the dense fog. It makes the lake almost impossible to see and navigate through. But, with Bard you can't get lost. Meanwhile the dwarves were trying to get another one of them to cough up what he has. "I have been bled dry through this adventure. Nothing, absolutely nothing has shown positive on this..." But he was cut off. All the dwarves were standing and looking at the abandoned mountain. Funny. I thought they claimed themselves merchants.

Bilbo caught my eye and cleared his throat. Bard came  closer. "Give me the money." "Not until we get the provisions we paid for," said Thorin. "Give it to me. There are guards." That seemed to snap them out of it. They gave Bard the money and hopped into the barrels. We stopped. Bard stepped out and began to talk to a fisherman. I watch from the boat.

Meanwhile the dwarves grew suspicious. "What do you see?" Thorin asked Bilbo. "They're talking.  Wait, his pointing at us. Now they're shaking hands!" "The thief!" Thorin growled. But before anything, fish was thrown on them. Bard got back and steered the boat.

We entered Lake Town. The dwarves groaned under the weight of the fish. Bard kicked one of the barrels. "Ssh! We're at the toll gate." "Can they not keep their mouths shut?" I asked. "I don't think so," replied Bard. "Goods inspection!" Called a familiar voice. "Oh it's you Bard," he said. "Morning Percy." Bard handed over a slip of paper. "Do you have anything to declare?" Asked Percy. "Yes. That I am tired and cold and ready for home." "So am I. Oh! (Y/n) I didn't see you there!" I laughed. "Hi Percy." He smiled and gave Bard the paper. "There we are. All in order."

Before Bard could even extend a hand to take the paper, another hand took it. "Not so fast," said Alfred. "Permission pass to bring empty barrels from the Woodland realm. Only these are not empty, are they?" He said evilly. I glared at him. He glared back and turned to Bard. "I remember you were a bargeman not a fisherman. As he said this he waved one of the fish that revealed one of the eyes of a dwarf.

"Empty the barrels," ordered Alfred. The guards that accompanied him shook the barrels scattering the fish into the lake. "People are starving. Food is scarce. Have a heart Alfred," said Bard. "Its not my problem." "And when the rioting starts... Will it be your problem then?" I asked slyly. He hesitated, then said," Stop." The guards stopped.

"You may be the man of the people Bard... But remember: we know where you live!" Bard moved the boat forward. I said to Alfred," Its a small town. Everybody knows where everyone lives." With that Bard entered the Town. We stopped and the dwarves unloaded themselves. A man looked questionably at them. Bard gave him a coin." You never saw them and they were never here." Before leaving he said," The fish you can have for nothing."

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