The Silent Type

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P.S: (Y/l/n)- your last name
(Y/n)- your name (to mysticriver123 and bhikoo who doesn't know that I'm letting you choose a name!)


"Hey! (Y/l/n)! Wait up!" Shouted a familiar pair of voices. I turned around. Tony Stark and Steve Rogers ran up to me. "Hey since its the Halloween dance, we'd like to know who you'd be going with," buzzed Steve. I stared at them. "I don't know yet," I replied and carried on walking. I had an urgent meeting with my best friend, Loki Leufyson. People always thought we look like twins. I think that too sometimes. Black hair,green eyes, that sinister look... But then I remember that Gandalf is my mentor.

"Hey stop!" Shouted Tony. "Nope!" I yelled back and jogged off to the library. Thor came and chuckled. "Not going well with Miss (y/n)?" "Yeah," said Steve sadly. Thor smiled. "She's grown find of Loki. She treats him like a brother." "Soon he'll be more than a brother..." Muttered Tony.

I entered the library. I ran right to the back and sat down next to Loki. He looked up from his book. "What took you so long?" "Jocks," I replied. He scoffed. I took a book and read. After a few hours he looked up. "What did they ask you?" "Who I was going with to the dance," I replied. "And your answer?" "I said I didn't know who." "Well you better make up your mind. They're gonna bother you until you agree to take one of them," replied Loki. I looked up. "Actually I do know who!" "And who may that be? Wait, I know...," he smirked. I smacked him with the book. "Shhhh!"

"So when are you going to ask him?" Asked Kili. They were outside the Principals office. "I don't know," I said with uncertainty. "He's the silent type. He'll be gone before the time is right," said Fili sensibly. "Er..." "Ugh! He will not take notice of you! He'll think that you like one of the jocks and-" "Hell no! I'm going now and that's final!" I said as I stormed round the corner. "Are you ready?" Asked a voice. I almost jumped out of my skin."
Are you?" Repeated Principal Matthew. I nodded. She smiled. "Good, I think the time is right," she said checking her watch. I closed my eyes and focused on her appearance that I memorized. I shivered and immediately felt a tingling sensation.

I opened my eyes. The principal was staring in awe. "You look just like me!" I did. Given the fact that I can shape shift. "Okay. Go now," ordered the principal. I walked to the office. Sure enough Thor, Steve, Tony, Fili and Kili and Legolas stood there. I entered and motioned for them to walk in too. They followed. I sat down at the desk and began. "Now what is the problem?" I looked at Fili and Kili for the answer. "They're bullying us and Legolas!" Said Kili at once. "Calling us short, stubby, pointy... Its not right!" Added Fili. Thor and the others smirked. Those three were inseparable. People had the nerve to call them the Golden Trio. Please. More like, The Three Lunatics.

I looked at the three. "This type of behavior is not tolerated at this school. If I catch you bullying other students, especially new ones, I'll see to it that you will get the worst of punishments. For now, detention after school." "But this is a boarding school," said Tony. I sighed. "Still it's a school Mr. Stark. Now off you go. Enjoy the rest of your weekend." They nodded and left. Once they were out of sight, the principal walked in and said, "Marvelous! You handled that situation with ease." I smiled, then closed my eyes and calmed down, whilst formulating my natural appearance. After a second or two I was back to my normal self.

"Now go on. Enjoy your weekend," said the principal. I shape shifted into a cat and zoomed out. I passed Loki on the way to the cafeteria. I slowed down and tugged at his trousers. He looked down and smiled. "What's gotten into you now? Where were you?" I meowed and stared at him which meant, "Ask later. I'm starving." He picked me up and walked into the cafeteria. He stopped at our usual table and placed me down. I shape shifted back. It was easier to shape shift into animals and back than humans. This school was a lot different than most. We were all teens and had different abilities. Some had duplicate powers and thus were put into the same dorms. There were no bullying (except the jocks who usually got the attention of most girls. They bullied for fun) and everybody was happy. The food here was great. The waitress came over. "The usual?" She asked. We nodded. She disappeared and reappeared with our food and sat down with us. "So, Nikki who are you going with?" I asked. She smiled and turned to Loki. "Would you come to the dance with me?" She asked. Loki looked up. "Sure. I don't see why not." "There."

It was the Halloween dance and this time there was a twist, girls asked guys. This was extremely annoying as the guys usually stared at the girls that they wanted to go with signalling them to ask them out. It was the same for the three lunatics. I obviously avoided their gaze. I wanted to go with someone else. After the delicious food I ran out of the cafeteria and turned down the hall. I then saw him. "Hey!" I shouted and bolted up to him. He turned around. I reached and stopped, I bent down and clutched my knees panting. "Yeah?" He said. "Wouldyougotothedancewithme?" I asked. "Huh?" I sighed. "James. Would you go to the dance with me?" I asked clearer. He smiled. "Of course! And call me Bucky." I smiled.

Now came the Halloween Dance. I dressed up as Loki. Hey I wanted to dress up as my roommate! And I looked like the female version of him anyway! I wore a green dress, black and green knee high striped socks and a Loki helmet. I arrived at the hall. It was completely different! Bucky was there already. "Ready? That was the quickest change I've ever seen!" He said. I smiled. He offered his hand and I took it. He dressed up as Loki too. Wow. Date goals. If you could call this a date.

We had a wonderful time. We danced and laughed. Steve and Tony seemed jealous of Bucky. Partly because I slow danced with him. It was fun. Oh but I had to do something I always wanted to do. I shape shifted into a cat with a Loki helmet and stood on the MC's table and said into the mic, "Kneel." Loki from the background screamed, "THAT'S MY CAT!" Everybody turned around and stared. I couldn't help but fall and laugh. After the principal gave a speech and thanked us all for coming and again thanked us for the donations from the tickets. The money will be going to an orphanage. We all filed out of the hall.

I was walking back to my dorm when Bucky came jogging towards me. I stopped. "Hey. What's up?" He asked. "The ceiling," I reply with a grin. He groans. "What's wrong?" "Um... Would... You... Um... Like to hang with me?" He stuttered. "Oh. Yeah sure! It was fun hanging out with you! I must say you're a great, no wait fantastic dancer!" I said. He blushed. I was here at this place for about five months and not once have I seen that happen. I pecked his cheek which made him go even redder. I smirked and walked into my dorm room. "What took you so long?!" Demanded Loki. I just gave him a mischievous smile. He grinned. "Oh. I'm guessing on the cheek?" I just grinned. Loki laughed. "Watch out for them though. They'll never forgive you or him for that matter about this," he said.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this imagine. I was actually very excited to do this one. I thank you guys for over 300 reads. You guys are legit! Excuse me mistakes

Goal: 350 reads

~Cheesepuffffff :3

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