Witch begone spray!

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"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily," said Professor McGonagall. We nodded. We waited there doing nothing. Well all of the first years and my friends but I scanned the area. Hogwarts was a big place. Before us lied the doors toward the Great Hall. According to the Professor we were about to be sorted into a house? We were supposed to be with the fifth years. That's what the headmaster said in the letter.

My letter. It arrived at Erebor when I was battling Thorin. The owl... Owl... Why owls? Well it delivered it to Fili, Kili and I. When we saw Legolas... We knew torture was upon us. I wonder what house he'll be put in. Pray not mine! I can't stand him even though he helped me in the battle. Well more like I came to his rescue. Runs out arrows in the wrong situations. But he did help with the orc pack that was chasing me. He looked as smug when he got it. Like a child getting their sibling into trouble.

The doors opened."We're ready," said Professor McGonagall. We entered the hall. Every students gaze were upon us. I looked down. We arrived at a stool where an old hat stood on it. "When I call your name, you will come up here, take seat and I will place the hat on your head," she instructed us. We nodded. She began to call out the names of each new student. Finally it was my turn. I walked and sat on the stool. She placed the hat on my head.

"Hmm different. Very different. Not from this world are we? Well I know the house which will suit you... GRYFFINDOR!" I sighed and ran towards the cheering table. I took a seat next to two red haired twins. Next up was Fili. Hufflepuff. Kili. Hufflepuff. Legolas. Slytherin. Good. Stay away from me.  The headmaster stood up. "Welcome new students and to our old students, welcome back!  I would like to welcome our new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, Gandalf The Grey." Gandalf appeared out of nowhere. All students gasped. Gandalf strode towards the staff table. "You're late," said Professor McGonagall. "A wizard is never late. He arrives precisely when he means to," replied Gandalf. Damn Gandalf.

Dumbledore smiled. "Ah. Gandalf. Welcome to Hogwarts. "Thank you headmaster," replied Gandalf smiling as well. "That's Gandalf!" Said one of the twins. "Yeah that's him. Still looks old," I replied. They looked at me shocked. "What?" "You know him?!" Asked the other twin. "Yes. He took me on an adventure," I said. "Wow!" They both exclaimed. "Now. Let the feast begin!" Said Dumbledore. Food appeared out of nowhere. I was dumbfounded. The twins smiled. "You'll get used to it. By the way I'm Fred." "George." "(Y/n)." "Nice to meet you," they said together. We  began eating. Yum!

After the divine food and dessert, all houses got up and walked towards the Entrance Hall. I stood up and walked. "Hey (y/n)!" I turned around to see Fili and Kili walking up to me. "Hey," I said. "Congrats! Gryffindor... Wow!" Said Kili enthusiastically. I smiled. "Hufflepuff! I'll see you guys tomorrow," I said. They walked with the prefect that lead them. I walked following the bushy haired girl and the red haired boy. We arrived at a portrait. "Password," she said. "Mimbulous Mimbletonia!" Declared a boy. He was holding some type of plant.

We entered a warm room. It was really warm, cozy and homelike. I liked it immediately. I saw the twins with a boy with dreadlocks. Best friends. I walked up to the stairs to fetch something of mine. Somehow my suitcase was up here. I pulled out my spell book and walked downstairs. I took and armchair by the fire and began reading. I heard noises. I looked up. A black haired boy with green eyes was talking very loudly. "Hey can you quiet down please. I'm trying to read," I said as politely as possible.

He turned around. "Oh sorry. Didn't know you were there," he said apologetically. I smiled. "Its fine. What's your name?" I asked trying to be as friendly as possible. He looked confused. "You don't know me?" He asked. I shook my head. "I'm from another world," I explained. He then explained everything. I nodded. "Pleased to meet you Harry," I said extending a hand. He shook it. "This is Hermione and this is Ron," he introduced me to the bushy haired girl and red haired boy. "Hello," I said. They both smiled. I turned to Harry and said," Can you please introduce me to other people please?" "Sure," he said. He pointed to the twins. "Fred and George. They're Ron's
brothers." I nodded. "I know them. They're quite nice."

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