Flower Crowns

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"Can I make you a flower crown?" asks Tauriel. Kili looks up. "Well ... Okay". Fili and I smirk over the fact Tauriel convinced Kili to actually wear those. And to make matters worse (or should I say interesting) she asked Legolas to find the flowers.

"How much would you bet Kili and Elf start to fight again?" Asked Fili. He never calls Legolas by his name. "My bow", I reply. "Well that's a shame. You treasure that weapon. So ready to lose (y/n)?". "Its on!" Tauriel finished the first flower crown.

"It looks adorable on you Kili!" Squeals Tauriel. Kili merely nods but we can see he doesn't like it. Legolas is back with the flowers. "I've got the flowers you asked for", he says coolly but you can see he's jealous. I smirk. Yup, I'm definitely going to lose my bow.

Legolas watches with great interest as Tauriel weaves the next one. A blue lily flower crown this time. "Oooh", I say. Tauriel smiles. "You like it?" "Yes!" She places the crown on my head. "You look good", says Legolas. "Adorable!" "Can everybody stop with the flower crowns already?" Snaps Kili annoyed. Oh no. You ruined my chances Kili!

"What?!" Asks Legolas. "Oh boy... You are going to lose your bow now!" Says Fili triumphantly. I groan. We carry on watching as they shout at each other. Now they're fighting. Oh my god. I raise my bow and shoot the dagger and sword out of their hands. They look at me. "I've had enough of your bickering. Its driving me nuts to wake up to your shouts!" I snap. They look at me dumbfounded. I lower my bow. Fili grins at Kili.

I'm usually soft spoken but hey every rose has its thorn. "What?" Asked Legolas. "You heard me. Shut up and stop fighting." Tauriel seemed very happy I spoke up. "Always so quiet. People could take advantage!" Well I've just proved her wrong.

"Fine you get your wish", said Kili who picked up his sword and walked into Elrond's palace. It was funny to see his face like that. Well I've seen it before when Bolg shot him in the knee. Ugh. The horror. Legolas picked up his dagger and examined it closely.

"There's a mark on it", he says. I look at it. Sure enough there was a scratch on it. Caused by my arrow and aim. "Well just repair it", I say. "Hmmm" "Well if you're going to be like this I'm leaving for Bree." Tauriel looked at me in horror. "Please don't leave me alone here with Legolas!" "Well if the elf and Kili can get along I think I'll stay longer."

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