Stupid Elf

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We lost the path once. It sucked. We walked aimlessly. "What day is it?!" Shouted Thorin. "I don't know. I don't even know what time of day it is," said Dwalin absolutely confused. "Is there no end to this accursed forest?!" I screamed. It was hard. I couldn't concentrate. Why did I ever come into this place? The moment I stepped near it... I felt sick. Gandalf warned me.

We carried on walking. Suddenly we stopped. Bofur picked up a pouch. "A tobacco pouch. There's dwarves in these woods." "Dwarves from the Blue Mountains no less," said Dori. "That's funny. It looks exactly like mine," said Bofur. "That's because it is yours. We're going around in circles," snapped Bilbo, evidently angry. "We've lost the sun," said Balin.

"The sun... We need to find the sun..." Said Bilbo to himself. He climbed up the thick branches. But we were too busy fighting. They seemed to always fight with Fili and Kili. I could see Thorin wanted to say something. "Quiet! All of you!" I shouted. "We're being watched..." Said Thorin silently.

Bilbo reached the top. A fine, soothing breeze hit his face as he glanced at the bright over top of the forest. "I can see a lake. And the Lonely Mountain! We're almost there! Hello? Can you hear me? I know which way to go... Hello!" But all Bilbo heard and saw were branches moving and the snapping of twigs.

He jumped down only to land in a spiders wed. He was stuck. At that precise moment a spider came and began to spin weds all around him. He was trapped and knocked out I suppose. The spider dragged him to their area of the forest. Bilbo woke up only to see the spider trying to eat him. He took his sword and shoved it up the spider's jackside. It squealed and fell down dead.

He freed himself. He then equipped the ring and became invisible. The spiders could talk so figuring out where the dwarves were was easy. "Eat them now while they're still alive!" Said one. "They'd be dead now we hung 'em up," said another. They reached to feel whether one of the dwarves were alive. Bombur hit him with his foot. "The meets alive and kicking!" Said another spider as a cluster of them came and set themselves on him. Bilbo threw a twig. Thud. They looked at the spot and moved towards it.

Although one spider stayed behind. He took Bombur and put him closer to his mouth(is that what its called?). "Just a little taste..." Said the spider. Bilbo hit its butt with his sword. "Where is it? Where is it?" It said searching. Bilbo took off his ring. "Here," he said and stabbed it. "Agh! It stings!" And with that it fell and curled up dead.

"Sting... That's a good name. Sting," said Bilbo. He began to cut us down. We fell smoothly as the webs were sticky. "Where's Bilbo?" Asked Bofur. "I'm up here!" Shouted Bilbo. A spider came and pushed him down. They rolled somewhere. We couldn't find them. But spiders were advancing towards us. We fought. A spider fell on top of Bombur and tried to bite him. The dwarves came, grabbed the legs and severed it from its disgusting body.

Bilbo however tried to find his ring and that meant killing a white creature to get it. The ring seemed to consume him. Bilbo realizing that, pocketed it. The dwarves were fighting the last of the spiders. One grabbed Kili. Fili tried to help and so did I before a stupid elf hitched a ride on a spider and pointed a loaded arrow at Thorin's face.

"Don't think I won't kill you dwarf. It would be my pleasure," he said. I hated him the minute I saw him. A bunch of elves aimed arrows at us. We stopped fighting. A scream came towards us. Fili and I looked at each other and both shouted, "Kili!"

Kili was thrown roughly on the ground. A spider advanced towards him. An arrow whizzed past and killed it. A pretty elf with amber hair came out of nowhere and began to fight. Another spider was drawing close. "Throw me a dagger! Quick!" He shouted. "You think I'm giving you a weapon dwarf? You're mistaken!" And with that she threw her dagger at the spider.

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