Unidentified Sibling

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Gandalf arrived at the house he was looking for. The small house stood at the borders of Bree. The house started to grow vines that twisted around the building, clinging to the walls. Gandalf chuckled. Mrs Dorothy Trushville loved her plants. He knocked twice and waited. She opened the door. "My dear Gandalf! What a pleasant surprise. Come. Come in," she invited Gandalf to the cozy inside. It was raining lightly but you still couldn't stay dry.

He entered and sat down on an armchair. Dorothy offered biscuits. Gandalf took one and nibbled on it. "So, what brings you here Gandalf?" She asked. "Oh. I think you already know," replied Gandalf. She stopped stirring her tea. She looked worried. "If you'll remember it has now been almost exactly twenty years since you made that promise," Gandalf reminded Dorothy. She sighed. The signs were clear as Gandalf had warned her. It was time.

(Y/n) ran through the forest avoiding the bullies that were about to give her a wound for stopping them from bullying another kid. She hated them with her life. Their hate for each other was strong. Natural enemies at first sight. She ran up a tree and hid. "Where'd she go?!" Demanded the spoiled leader of the gang. They looked frantically around. I raised my hand and took careful aim. TwackSlap in the eye. Yes!

They looked at my hiding tree. I jumped into another. After a series of cursing and desperate searches they left. I jumped down and hurried home. I entered and to my surprise: Gandalf. I ran up to him and embraced him. He accepted it. "Ah... (Y/n). It has been ten years. Twenty years old already! Although that doesn't seem to matter in dwarfish years does it?" I shook my head. There he goes with the logic.

I smiled. "What are you here for?" I asked enthusiastically. He looked at my foster mother and nodded his head. "(Y/n)?" "Yes?" She began to speak. After the lecture I stood there shocked. I had an uncle and parents all along. Why didn't I get to stay with them? Oh the answer was they wanted me to lead a life with no worries. Hmmm... Makes sense. After all. They explained that there's a dragon involved.

"(Y/n) you must meet us in the Shire-" I cut him off," Where the hobbits stay?" I said to make sure. Gandalf nodded. Apparently it will be easy to find. On top of a hill. Looked bigger than most hobbit holes. I nodded. "When do I leave?" "Tomorrow," said Gandalf. With that he left. I sat down. Dorothy came over and hugged me. I was leaving her. With no guarantee I'll be returning. I hugged her back. For all I know this could be the last hug I ever give her.

In the morning the next day I set out. "Be safe. Listen to your uncle. Don't leave the company," were her last words of advice. I reached Bag End by night fall. I ring the bell and waited. A hobbit opened up. I was a little taller than him but none the less he looked unsurprised.

"Ah. (Y/n). Come in. Come in," said Gandalf bending down to have a good look me. I wore a travelling cloak. Everything seemed so quiet. I lowered my hood and stepped in. It was a cozy hole. Like something from a book. But after all. It was a hobbit hole. And that meant good food, a warm hearth and all the comforts of home. I scanned each dwarf. All about my height. Most looked old but two seemed a year or three older than me.

"Allow me to introduce (y/n). She will be joining you on this quest," said Gandalf. One of them said,"And why is that?" "That is why I'm here Thorin. Fili, Kili if you'd follow me please. Oh and Thorin you too," Gandalf said leading them into what looked like a living room. He nodded to me which meant I had to go too. I followed.

I stood in the centre of the room. Gandalf then said,"Thorin. (Y/n) will be coming on this quest. She does of course have every right." Thorin glared at me. I looked away and pretended to look around the room. "By what right?" Asked Thorin sharply. "She's your niece," Gandalf replied calmly. Silence. "Are you telling me that she is a descendent of Durin?" Gandalf nodded. Thorin looked at me. I looked almost similar. Black hair. Same height. Same eye colour. Looks almost like Kili. Has Fili's spirit. Thought Thorin.

"Oh and these are your brothers. Fili and Kili," said Gandalf remembering that he asked them to come along. They smiled at me. Both the same height. Only one had blond hair and a beard. The other had only black hair with no beard. I walked up to them. I had a funny feeling. Like happiness and sadness at the same time. I didn't know what to do. Although they seemed to know. They hugged me.

Best hug ever.

"What's your name again?" Asked that black haired one whose name I think was Kili. "(Y/n)." "Nice name," said Fili. "Hey you don't have a beard. Normally girls grow one at this age," said Fili. I smirked. "I refuse to grow my beard. It doesn't suit me. And it feels funny so I asked Gandalf to have me never grow one. Tadaa! No beard for life!" I explained. "Well anybody could mistake you for a short elf," said Thorin. "Okay Uncle," I said teasingly. Thorin glared at me which of course was his habit... But I couldn't help laughing so bombs away!

"Sorry. But is that what you look like everyday?" I asked. Gandalf nodded as Thorin didn't answer me. He merely turned around and left. I stared at my uncle. He seemed very unsociable. Can't blame him. I turned to Gandalf. "Got any food? I'm hungry."

Hi guys. Sorry for any mistakes. Please report any of them to me and I'll try to amend them.

Goal: 200 reads
-Cheesepuffffff :3

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