The Unknown Love Life

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The battle was fun. At least I thought it was. We were returning to Rivendell after murdering orcs. "Sound the horn", ordered Lord Elrond. I pulled it out and blew. We entered the valley.

Just then we were graced by a queer sight: dwarves and Gandalf. Lord Elrond dismounted his horse. He and Gandalf both engaged in a conversation. I listened but my attention slipped to the dwarves. Just as I expected: short with beards. Gandalf caught my eye.

"I didn't know men were allowed to fight along elves."

"She's done a great deal. Her skill is that of an elf and she has proved herself in battle. Not that its her first."

I smile at Gandalf. He smiled back and said to me, "Its been a long time (y/n). The last time I saw you, you were only thirteen years old. Now... My you've grown old. Eighteen years old."

Lord Elrond then turned his focus to the dwarves and offered them to stay for dinner. Only he said it in elvish. "Is that an insult?!" Shouted an orange haired dwarf. "No Master Gloin, he is offering food!" Shouted Gandalf.

At that very moment I burst out laughing. "S-s-sorry", I say still laughing. After I calmed down, the dwarves discussed the matter. "Well lead on", said the orange haired one. "(Y/n) you are excused. Oh and don't take your bow. Arwen's fond of shooting portraits now." I gave Elrond my bow and left. Something sort of troubled me... Why was the blond dwarf staring like that?

I lingered around as the dwarves pulled faces at the food. "I don't like green food", one of the said. I sighed. It just shows how ungrateful they seemed. I left and returned with apples. I threw the first one at a bald dwarf with runes on his head. It hit his nose.

I threw the rest. Just one more for the blond dwarf. He caught it and turned to me. I tried to hide but he already caught a glimpse of me. "Hey! Over here. We can see you." I left the pillar which I hid behind every time I threw an apple.

"Hi. I'm (y/n). What's yours?" I asked. They all introduced themselves. Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Nori, Dori, Ori, Bifur, Bifur, Bombur, Dwalin and Balin (so many names O_o).

"Well, I'm gonna have a hard time remembering your names." "Well all our names rhyme. Even harder." "Yes indeed," I agreed. "(Y/n). Your bow," called Lord Elrond. I took it and before I could stow it away, Kili was right in my face. "Come on. Show us what you've got," he challenged. He estimates my power... I agreed.

We go out and I lead them to where the noobs are trained. "There. If you can hit each target blindfolded you'll win." Kili nodded. Fili tied the blind fold over Kili's eyes. He loads the bow and starts. He only misses two. Panting he gives me the blind fold. I begin. I only miss one. "Well done!" Says Fili. I smiled.

After Thorin and Bilbo got back from the moon rune reading session they decided to sneak off. I didn't know of course. My head was stuck in a book. Before I knew it I ran after each of them. "Hey! Wait!" I shouted. I ran over to Thorin. He looked at me confused. "I'm coming on this quest." Thorin wanted to argue but didn't have time. He allowed me to join the company.

I walk with Fili and Kili at the back. "What made you decide to come?" Asked Fili when Kili was out of ear shot. "You maybe... Or that craving for adventure..." "Me?" Asks Fili taken aback.

"Yeah... I sort of liked you..." "I liked you too. From the moment I saw you..." Admitted Fili. I smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Don't get your hopes up," I say when I see his puppy dog face.

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