Story Time

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"Aunty (y/n), please tell me a story!" My nephew Frodo pleaded.

I looked at him and smiled. "Sure. What do you want to hear about tonight?"

"The one where you and Uncle Bilbo went on an adventure!"

My heart sank. Bilbo stepped in. "We'll tell you about it."

I nodded. He loved this story. He was part Brandybuck after all, they lived away from the Shire. To the old folk here, they were indeed peculiar. For one they were fond of boats and some of them could swim.

I cleared my throat. "It all started when my dearest brother over here decided to sit outside and enjoy the sun."

"I was an ordinary hobbit; loved company, enjoyed visitors, never had any dealings with anything outside the Shire..." Said Bilbo.

"An old looking man with a beard appeared on our doorstep. He was odd, walked around with a staff, wore a large grey hat," I continued.

"I plucked up the courage to say 'Good morning'."

"And that's when I walked out, before he asked..."


"What do you mean? Do you wish me good morning, or that it is a good morning whether I want it or not? Or do you feel good on this particular morning? Or that it is a morning to be good on?"

"All at once, I suppose," replied Bilbo.

I hurried out the hole. "Indeed."

He caught sight if me. He looked at the both of us disappointedly.

"May we help you?" I asked.

"That remains to be seen," the stranger replied, "I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure."

End of flashback...

"That's when you said they were nasty, uncomfortable things," Frodo giggled.

"Make you late for dinner," I chuckled.

"I got up from the bench and started to sort through my mail, I was unsure of him," Bilbo smiled.

"And that's when you said good morning again," I said.

"You two sure use good morning for a lot of things," Frodo pointed out.


"To think that I should have lived only to be 'good-morninged' by Belladonna Took's children, as if I was selling buttons at the door!"

"Beg your pardon?" I replied.

"You've changed, and not entirely for the better, Bilbo and (y/n) Baggins."

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Asked Bilbo.

"Well, you know my name, although I don't expect you to remember it. I'm Gandalf and Gandalf means... Me."

"Gandalf... Not Gandalf the Wandering Wizard who made such excellent fireworks?" I babbled excitedly.

"Old Took used to have them on Midsummer's Eve! I had no idea you were still in business," Bilbo remarked.

"And where else should I be?" Inquired Gandalf.

I let out a nervous laugh. Bilbo took another puff of his pipe.

"Hmm... Well, that's decided. It will be very good for you, and most amusing for me. I shall inform the others."

"Inform the who? No. No. No! Wait! We do not want any adventures here! Not today, not-mm! I suggest you try over the Hill or across The Water." With that, I stormed into the house.

"Good morning," Bilbo said finally, and followed me in.

End of Flashback...

"That, Frodo, was the beginning of how we went on our adventure."


Enjoy. Vote and comment!

~Cheesepuffffff :3

P.S. Would you guys like a part two on this one?

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