Metting a killer, and befriending that killer

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(Harley's PoV)

I was at the park, away from the grasp of my abusive mother, when a knife is put to my throat."Go.To.-"I stop whoever is trying to kill me,"JUST DO IT!!! KILL ME ALREADY!!!END MY SUFFERING!!!"I yelled out."Ummmm... You want to die? Why?! Life is so valuable and precious, why would you want to die?!" He asks me, sitting next to me, taking the knife away from my throat. "I have no reason to live anyway..." I tell him, quietly crying, as tears trickle down my face." What's your name?" He asks me. "It's Harley, and you are?" I tell him. "Jeff... Why are you not scared of me?" He asks. I finally gain the guts to look at him, and I finally have a reason to be scared. He had bleach white skin, scorched black hair, a long, obviously carved smile that showed off way too much gum, black-lined eyes, forever open, for he had no eyelids, a white, blood-stained hoodie, dressy pants, and some black converse shoes... "Ahem..." I heard him say, as I realized I had been staring at his carved smile,"N-nice shoes..." I was able to mumble out. He just laughed and said," Why thank you!"I started giggling because his laugh was calm, but funny at the same time. We hung out for over 3 hours, before I had to go face my mother,"Bye, Jeff..." I tell him, starting to walk away,"I will see you soon, Harley..." Was all I could hear as I walked home...

One of a killers Kind(Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now