I see Dead...bodies?! & Imma go now.....

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(Harley's PoV!)

After leaving DreamCatcher's treehouse, we set off into the forest, to a new destination that, for now, was not permanently chosen. I was pulled out of my thoughts, when two cats jumped in front of us! "Hey Madeline, hey Grinny." DreamCatcher says aloud, walking towards the cats. One of the cats was black and white, and the other one was black and red, which made it look kinda lethal in my opinion. I was sort of confused when DreamCatcher said something to them, but I stayed silent. Then the black and white one spoke! "Hey Dream! Who are these guys?" They said, while their companion looked to the side, silently. "Ah, I forgot to introduce everyone! Jeff, Harley, Laughing Jack, and Quinn, these are my friends-" Dream was interrupted by the black and red cat, "We aren't friends...." They stated. "*Ahem* Anyway, the black and white one is Madeline, and the black and red one is Grinny..." DreamCatcher finished. "Hi." Is all I said, since I was a bit cranky after Jack woke me up not that long ago. Jeff, who was carrying me, snickers, and says, "She's on her period!" I bite his arm, resulting in him apologizing. Laughing Jack and Quinn, who is on Jack's shoulders, both giggle. "Madeline, we are trying to- What are we trying to do?" DreamCatcher asks, confused. I really didn't think about it... but then something pops into my head. I go to say something, but my words are already said. "We need to find out why Harley here can't stay in one place!" Delilah says for me. She must have read my mind! Yup! And by the way, I am really sorry about... your...um... *ahem* dad.... I kinda tear up a little after hearing her say that one word... The one word I have been avoiding.... dad.... It's all my fault... No it's not.... Don't think that! Yeah, you're right, Delilah! It isn't my fault at all!! That's the spirit!(Haha she made pun!) I start to giggle aloud into Jeff's hoodie. "Um, Harley? Did Delilah say another pun in your head or something?" He asked me. "Yes." Is all I can say back. "You know, Harley and Delilah are right, we need to find out what is wrong with Harley." I hear Laughing Jack say with a kind of serious tone, which is really confusing, considering that's not really normal for him. Hey Harley? Can I ask you a question please? Yeah! Of course you can, Delilah! Does...Does Jack...Does he have a crush on me? Well... Yes, he does, why? I was just wondering! Thanks. No problem, now, can you deliver a small message to Jeff for me, please? Sure! He is kind of squishing me... Before I can say anything else, Delilah speaks. "Jeff, I think you're squishing Harley...." "O-Oh! Sorry Harley!" Jeff says, loosening his grip on me. "It's fine..." I mumble quietly. "Umm, follow us!" Madeline tells us, and we start walking, probably following her. After about an hour, I feel as if I need to move my legs. I poke Jeff, and I think he gets the message, because he stops and helps me stand. Until now, I didn't know that both of my legs had fallen asleep. I suddenly start to fall, but Jeff catches me and helps me back up. I try to walk, but I can't because of my legs. Jeff notices this and grabs my arm, hoisting it over his shoulder, helping me stay balanced. "Thanks." I say, looking at him. "Of course. Your welcome." He says back, and looks into my eyes. *ahem* I hear the black and red cat, Grinny, and Jeff and I look away and start blushing like we are crazy. (I made pun again!) We start walking again, but stop in front of a giant tree with the middle carved out. "Go on, jump in!" Madeline says cheerfully to us. I don't even say anything, just nod to Jeff, and he nods back, and we both jump in with Delilah, Laughing Jack, DreamCatcher, Quinn, Madeline, and Grinny following us. Surprisingly, we all land softly on some grass! "Wow! It's so beauti-" I start to say, but stop when I look around. There are dead bodies...everywhere...

--------------Imma Go Now...-------------

I turn around and start heading for a door, which I think is the exit. As soon as I turn around, I am face-to-face with a pink-haired girl. (Pic above!) "Hehe~ Are you....scared? You shouldn't be, after all;" She goes close to your ear, "You see them all the time..."

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