LJ's Welcoming Show

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(Jeff's Pov!)

My stomach was already hurting, and then that idiotic clown started kicking me! He did stop, and that did surprise me, because if he starts something, he usually never stops, unless forced to stop. It was only when I got up that I saw a faint essence of pink on his cheeks. I then noticed the two girls talking to my bestie, Harley! I run over and hug her. "I'm so hungry!!" I say, trying to get her attention away from the two girls. "Follow us, we can take you three to the best food place in town!" The one with blue hair stated. "Well, we have a small problem, Dreamcatcher..."
The one next to her said, very shyly, "N-no offen-nce, b-but, y-you guys a-are k-kinda c-creepy!" She said, and she was right! I quickly put my hood up and stared at Jack. "I am fine, do not worry!" Jack says, and disappears. I know what he is doing, but the others do not, and I don't plan on telling them, either! "Oh great, there is a monochrome clown on the loose! At least we don't have to worry about him!" I hear Harley say. Ha!! She has no idea!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AT THE BEST FOOD PLACE IN TOWN!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Laughing Jack's PoV)

They must have thought I really left, because they kept almost bumping into me. We arrive at a huge restaurant, and my stomach growls! Jeffy has his hood up so no one can see his face, but I can tell that he is smiling, even with his forever smile! He knows that I am still here, but no one else does! I am invisible, so that's why no one sees me! We get a booth away from everyone else, and I do my trick! All of a sudden, the lights in our area turn off, and a single light appears in the middle of the room! My time to shine! I suddenly appear on the table, and my friends look frightened. they look around, and don't even bother to check the table. The one light starts moving towards the table, and I get into my signature pose, hands in the air and legs together, my head is turned. They turn and look at the table. They all gasp, except I can tell Jeff's is fake! Sadly, I think I scared Delilah... Also, I must have let my smile fade, because Jeff looked at me, then to the space next to Delilah. I quickly sit between him and Harley. "I would like a burger, please!" I blurt out randomly. I see Delilah and Dreamcatcher smiling, and I feel happy" How did you get there without us noticing you?!" Dreamcatcher asks me, confused. "I am an imaginary friend, I can turn invisible, teleport, and I am still learning to shape-shift!" I answer her, smiling! "I-I can teach y-you!" I hear Delilah say! That would be awesome!! "You really do not have to, but that would be swell!" I say, even though I wanted to say something else. "H-here, t-take my h-hand..." She says, and that is what I did! All of a sudden, everything goes black except for me and Delilah, whose eyes are black with black essence coming out of her eye sockets! Finally, the darkness fades, and we are standing in grass, probably at a park or in the woods. "Alright, so what do you want to become first? Cat or dog? Maybe a mouse?! OR A HAMSTER?!!! I LIKE GUINEA PIGS!!!!! A gerbil?!!! What about a bunny?!!!!!" She named a bunch of animals. "Actually, I was thinking a normal human!" I tell her. "Okay! First you need to think about what you want to become, close your eyes and think hard! Then open your eyes and voila!" She said. I did exactly as she said, but when I opened my eyes, I was a dog, well a Great Dane, to be exact!" Ruff ruff?!" I tried to say, "What just happened?!" but it came out as barks! "Do not worry, it will come off in a few hours!

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