Ruff Ruff!

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(Jeff's PoV)

So, we got our food, but they kicked out Laughing Jack! I understand, I mean, he is a dog, and all, but still, he should have been fed! I had to share with him! He is pretty upset, but Harley doesn't really understand why, she thinks it would be awesome to be an animal! I do not like it, though, and yes, I have been an animal, well a German Shepard to be exact... It was really embarrassing because I accidentally peed on a couch and I went back to normal at the same time...yeah, it is not fun at all... "Hehe~" I heard Delilah giggle. "What's so funny, Delilah?" Dreamcatcher asks, "What did you pick up?!" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! T-that sounds so embarrassing!!" I look down at Jack in confusion, but he just grins, well, tries too!"Hey Jeff, did you know Delilah can read minds?!" Harley asks me, giggling. "Ummmmmmm, r-really?! That is a-awesome...hehe.... crap!" I said, mumbling the last part. "Sorry Jeff, I can't help it!" Delilah tells me. My eyes widen more than they already are, realizing she read my mind! I can also talk into other people's minds! I hear a voice in my head, Delilah?! Why are you in my h-I stop my question because when I look around, Laughing Jack is on top of Delilah, still a dog, licking her face!"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" We all laugh as Jack starts to glow! Suddenly, he falls on top of Delilah, and returns to his "normal form"!! Ha! He's eyes widen more than mine, as he blushes! He quickly gets up and holds out his hand for Delilah to take, and that's what she does! Do you have to think about everything happening?I mean, it's a book or anything, and it's not likely a book is being written at the same moment we are talking! That would be weird! I guess so, but I really like to be descriptive, and I'm not used to having my mind read! I understand! Thanks, Delilah... I look up from my mind-link conversation to find Jack yelling at me! "JEFF!! HURRY!!!HARLEY FAINTED AGAIN!!! I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE!!!!!! HELP HER!!!!!" "OH MY ZALGO!!! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO YELL, STUPID CLOWN!!!!" I yell back to him, then I realized what he said, and ran over to where Harley was, only to find Dreamcatcher sitting next to her, with purple and blue essence coming out of her eyes! I sit down and Dreamcatcher starts mumbling, "I can not awake her, I am sorry... I did find something valuable looking through her brain, but you will have to find that out on your own! Something else that I found out, was that she is growing strong... with powers... you and Laughing Jack need to help her... if not, she may... die..." That is all I heard, as everything faded to white...

One of a killers Kind(Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now