Everything is the same...minus the sanity...

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(2 years later)

It has been two years since I last saw Jeff the killer, and since then, I have definitely changed... I went insane and finally killed my mother, and have taken the innocent lives of others. I missed Jeff, and never really gave up on finding him, knowing that he would show his face sooner or later... And I was ready... I was out on a kill, and when I jump through my next victims widow, she is already dead! I feel the presence of another human in the room, and turn around to see a very familiar face. Not thinking, I lunge at him, my claws(knifes tied to hand like brass knuckles) just like a cat. He hugs me. At first I don't realize why, until I see that it is Jeff," JEFF?! What are you doing here?! Where have you been?! I have so many questions!!!!!!" I yell. He lets go of me and turns his head to the side," Well, for one, I left town for a mega killing spree and got stuck fighting an old foe,(I bet you know who that is!!) then I almost got killed. Second, I came back to find you! And third, what the heck happened to you?! How have you been?!" He tells me. "Everything is the same, minus my sanity..." I tell him, and he just stares at me...

One of a killers Kind(Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now