A flipping clown...

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I was back at my house after talking and explaining everything to Jeff. I woke up to a pile of candy piled onto my dresser. I walked into my bathroom with: a bra, a pair of underwear, a Simi-short pair of black shorts, a white spaghetti-strap tank top, and a black crop-top half jacket with long sleeves. After straightening my whitish-gray hair and putting on my makeup and clothes, I open the bathroom door to see a very tall monochrome clown, with suspenders, black lipstick, long claws, black hair, and a black and white striped nose,"Dude, you need to clip those nails!" Was all I get say to the clown. "Your funny, I like you!!" He says, giggling at me." Sorry, I'm kinda taken!" I told him, "the name's Harley, Harley the Great..." "My name is Laughing Jack, and, you are MINE!!!HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!!!!!" He said, grabbing me. I bit his hand and kicked him in the underground area, making him let go of me and whimper."JEFF!!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs." Yes Harley?" Jeff says, rushing into the room. I just point to the crying clown, who is now on the ground." What the heck Laughing Jack?" Is all Jeff says before I fall to the grounds with a giant headache. I start to lose sight of my surroundings, as I faint...

One of a killers Kind(Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now