I dont want him here....

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Just know that all of the characters in the next few chapters are all ocs of mine! I have a lot of them!

Ah, she's here.... And so is he?...
My eyes widen. "What is he doing here?"
"Manalo!! How have you been?!" I exclaim, hugging the very emotionless female who had walked up to me. Next to her was Manago. He is just like her. A poor soul that died and was used by death itself. I still hate him... "I don't like him here, Manalo..." "Just tell us why you wanted me to meet you here. We have revenge to get to." She says, still stoic. "We need your help, Manalo, Kanna has returned!" Sille starts freaking out. Just then, Manago walks up to us and stares at me. " I know what you're doing, Manago. It won't work! I will never forgive you!! Traitor!" I stare back. He looks to the ground, almost looking hurt. "I feel no pity for you..." "I don't expect you to, after all, I did hurt you and your sister... But can't you just hear me out this once? Kanna has a weakness... for cloudmones. They are rare, and I know where to find them! I can help you." He tells us. He has a point..."I can never trust you again! I loved you Manago! I loved you! But now I hate you! You used me to help Kanna, and you hurt me! I will never love you again!" I basically scream at him.
(Manago's PoV)
She doesn't know the whole story? I thought that Manalo would have told her.... "I wa-" I am interrupted when a screeching grey cat runs in front of me. "Watch where you're going human!" The cat yells at me, sitting on a rock a few feet away. "I am not a human!!" I yell back, slightly mad.
(???'s PoV)
Man, that dumb human almost hit me! This is why I don't go near them! He looks furious... Oh well.
"Who are you?!" I see Lullaby walk up to me. "It's me Lulla, how can you not recognize me?" She looks at me with wide eyes. "Nips? Is that you?"

One of a killers Kind(Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now