Mirror Mirror

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(A few days after leaving Dreamcatcher and Delilah)

(Jeff's PoV)
  Jack seems really upset, he is back to normal, but isn't acting normal... I think it's because Delilah isn't here... I don't know though, I do want to help him... Harley has become protective of him like a mother, and is always by his side, I'm afraid she has a crush on the sad clown... I really hope not! We are in another place, woods, when we stumble upon a mirror! Harley looks concerned, and looks into it, walking towards it. A hand comes out of the mirror and pulls her in, as Laughing Jack and I run over to the mirror. We see a little girl with pale skin, white hair, red eyes, and a red, fancy, and very thin hoodie. She waves, and starts walking towards us, making Jack and I stumble," Who are you?!" I hear Jack ask the small child. "My name is Quinn, and you shall fear me and my mirrors!!" The little girl exclaims, with her red, probably fake, beady eyes! "I DO NOT HAVE BEADY EYES!!!!!!AND THEY ARE BRIGHT RED AND REAL, FOR YOUR INFORMATION!!" She yells. Did she just read my mind?!"And no, I didn't read your mind, I read expressions! Like really well!" She says again, and I just shut up. I'm sure she noticed Laughing Jack and I's constant smiles, so she is staring at us confused and obviously scared! "Stop please! I will free Harley! JUST PLEASE STOP!!" She yells, scared! "Sorry they don't understand what is going on, Quinn..." We hear a female voice, and realize that it's Harley! "Wait, Harley, you know this devil child?!" Laughing Jack and I ask at the same time. "This 'devil child,' is my little sister! And she has feelings!" She tells us, annoyed. "Sorry, Harley, we didn't know!" Jack and I apologize. Suddenly, Quinn falls to the ground, looking dead, and so does Harley. "No!" She yells, and faints. Everything goes white, again, and I realize, we are going somewhere new...

One of a killers Kind(Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now