Answers...Now! & I smell bacon!

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(Harley's PoV!)

"How do you know that?!" I ask the girl. "I know everything! Just like I know that Grinny here has a little cr-" "Shut up Bubble!" Grinny yells, interrupting the girl. "Anyway, I know why you are here, Harley...." The girl, Bubble, states. "The names Hyrana, but my nickname is... Bubble...." She says, mumbling the last part. "Where have I heard that name before?" I hear Quinn whisper, probably to me or Delilah, since the two share an amazing connection. Hey do you know anyone named Hyrana? Quinn might, but her... memories are hard to open... Yeah, I might, the name does ring a bell... You wouldn't MIND( Dat pun!) it if I went into your memory storage, would you? Go ahead! Yay thanks! I really do love the mental conversations that Delilah and I have together, and I wish I could talk to Quinn the same way... "You're Hyrana, you guided these two... to insanity!" Delilah blurts out suddenly. "You're really smart, Delilah!" 'Hyrana' tells Delilah, chuckling softly. "I remember you! You're the one I saw in my mirror! But wait... it couldn't have been you... I saw a wolf in my mirror... Were you the wolf?!" Quinn bables, confused. "Hehe! Yup!" Hyrana tells her, backing up. All of a sudden, she starts glowing! I look behind her, only to see two more girls, one with blue and beige hair, and one with purple hair, they look at each other and nod, only to start glowing, just like Hyrana. They all stop glowing, and when I look for them, they are all on the floor, I think... Actually, there is a... purple wolf with a white wing and a black wing(first pic!), a blue and beige wolf, (second pic!), and a light purple griffin? (Third pic! {kinda blurry!!})

 purple wolf with a white wing and a black wing(first pic!), a blue and beige wolf, (second pic!), and a light purple griffin? (Third pic! {kinda blurry!!})

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"Umm... Can we get some answers please... Now?!" Quinn yells out. "Sure!" One of the girls say....

--------------I smell bacon!----------------
After explaining everything, 'Oceacioa', invited us all to dinner with them, even though I'm pretty sure that Grinny and 'Phoebe', did not agree to that. I was just hoping that we aren't eating humans, or anything like that! Hyrana has been really nice to us, and she even offered to give us a tour of her 'home'!
[({<Time skip because I'm too lazy!>})]
"Dinner is served!!" We hear Oceacioa yell. Finally, I'm so hungry!! Same!
Without warning, Quinn yells at the top of her lungs; "I SMELL BACON!!!!!!" Uh-oh... Quinn has an obsession with bacon... That doesn't sound good.... Is it... Really bad? Like: 'Imma eat you if you don't give me all the bacon' ,obsessed, or is it; 'I need more bacon!!!'? Sadly... the first one.... We are screwed.... We all then hear loud screaming, and Delilah and I scream, while everyone else runs towards Quinn... They have no idea what they are getting themselves into... "Do they not know?!" Delilah asks me, ducking down under a table. "I don't think so, but they will soon! We hear another scream, and finally, I gather enough confidence to stand up, and walk to Quinn. I nod towards Delilah, and she- I understand that we might die... but if you go, so will I! Then let's go!!! We grab each other's hand, and run to Quinn, only to see.....

Sorry... Cliffhanger!!!
Make sure you check out my ask my ocs book! Thanks for reading my book!!

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