Chapter 3

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Alright, I'll call him.I woke up early today and have been debating whether or not to call Elijah. I get my phone and dial his number.It rings out and the automatic voice messaging machine comes on so I decide to leave a message.

"Hey Elijah, it's uh Megan. I just wanted to say uh thanks again for last night,"

Elijah P.O.V.

Klaus is so idiotic at times. I walk into my room and see him with my phone to his ear.

"What are you-," I begin, but he cuts me off.

"So, what did you and Megan do last night?" he questions.

Klaus' has his typical devil smirk on. I use my vampire speed to get my phone and pin Klaus against a wall.

"Do not touch my phone little brother and do not speak of Megan. I want you no where near her,"I say seriously. He just smirks again and puts his arms up in mock defeat.

"Hey hey hey! Whatever you say brotha," he retorts, making sure to emphasize the word brother.

"And for your information, I saved her life," I inform him.

I straighten up my jacket and dial my voice mail.

Megan P.O.V.

He didn't answer. He probably gave me the wrong number on purpose or just doesn't want to talk to me, I mean, who would? Who would want to talk to a whore like me? My eyes get glassy. No, I can't cry. I wont. I refuse. I inhale deeply and my phone rings.

"Elijah?" I ask with a little too much enthusiasm .

"Hello Megan, how are you?" he questions.

"Oh, um I'm fine. How are you?" I ask and mockingly add in,"My lord Elijah,"

He chuckles and answers,"I'm doing pretty well, my lady Megan"

I just laugh.

"My lady, would you like to accompany me to lunch?" he questions.

Wait, this incredibly hot, intelligent, funny and sweet guy is asking me to lunch? How could I say no? Well, there's the fact that he's a vampire and I might BE lunch. Hey, what the hell,

"As long as you promise I'm not lunch, my lord Elijah," I continue to mock.

"Of course not, my lady. I shall pick you up at 1," he replies.

I hear the line click. I look at the time, 12:00. Shit, that only gives me an hour.

I have my hair curled, soft makeup but with red lips to make my cream colored strapless dress pop against my tan skin and to top it off cream colored heals.(pic on side)I walk outside with my cellphone and wait. No later then a minute Elijah arrives and it's 1 on the dot.

"A man of your word I see," I say as he walks over.

"My word is my honor and a man without honor is not a man,"he confesses.

Elijah walks around to open the door for me.

"Thank you," I say as he begins to drive.

Well, off to lunch with this yummy man.

Author's note

Please vote and comment! It's what encourages me to write. I hope you guys like it! And give me feedback! I also promise to post a picture with every chapter so make sure to check those out!Love and Whores<3 VOTE PLEASE

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