Chapter 22

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Megan's P.O.V.
I'm laying on the ground in the middle of the road. I hear a car coming and smirk. It slows down and I hear the click of a woman's heels. She walks up to me.

"Are you alright!? What happened? Do you need to go to the hospital?" she questions.

"You look worried," I tell her and a smile forms on my face.

She looks confused and then looks pissed off.

The woman turns around and walks to her car. She goes to open the door, but I appear in front of her.

"Wha- How'd you? You were just over there," she screeches.

"And now I am over here," I say and pin her to the car.

I bite into her neck. The woman's screams are my encouragement to continue. The blood flows into my mouth and it tastes amazing. I feel the veins on my eyes darken and look at her.

"How old are you?" I question.

She screams and tries to run. I throw her against the car.

"I said How. Old. Are. You?" I compel.

"23" she says.


She has crystal green eyes, brown wavey hair and is fairly pretty.

"And how would you describe your life," I compel her again.

"Miserable," she says with no emotion in her voice.

"Then you're perfect," I say and feed her my blood.

At first she is appalled, but then she starts to enjoy it. I pull my arm away.

"What's your name?" I ask her.

"Joanna," she says and confusion is obvious on her face.

"See you soon, Joanna," I say and snap her neck.

I put her body in the passenger side and sit in the drivers seat. I turn the car on and start driving (picture of Joanna on side).

We're in NYC when she gasps and her eyes flutter open.

"Morning sleepyhead," I say and laugh.

"Wh-where am I? What happened? Who are you?" she asks.

"What is this, a game of 21 questions? We are in New York City, I turned you into a vampire, and my name is Megan Morgan. I'm a vampire, werewolf and witch," I respond.

She looks at me like I'm crazy.

"I want to get something that I left here hundreds of years ago, in order to do that, I need your help," I say.

She places her hands on her gums and moans. Her teeth are growing in. She looks at the sun and gasps. "Did you drug me or something?" Joanna questions.

"No. You're a vampire, idiot. Life will be easier and more fun, you can hear things from a mile away, run so fast that all people will hear is a swish, compel people to get what you want, you never grow old or get sick, and the only ways for you to die is to get staked, have your heart pulled out, or have your head cut off. Other then that the only things that can hurt you are the sun, a werewolf bite or venom, and vervain. I'll make you a daylight ring, if you're bit by a werewolf, my blood will heal you, and if you drink vervain everyday you'll become immune to it and no one can compel you. Btw, that means by the way, vampires can't compel other vampires unless they're an original, which leaves me, and 5 others , who you'll probably meet if that clingy bastard comes after us," I tell her.

She looks at me, completely stunned.

"This is all just a big joke, right? You're like, a psychopath or something," she questions. I smell blood, she does aswell.

I stop the car. I see the veins darkening on her face and hunger filling her eyes.

"I don't know," I say and stop the car so she can run out, "You tell me."

She looks uncertain, but lets the vampire take over. Within a second, she's running after her prey.

"That's my girl," I whisper and smirk.

I walk over to her and watch as she slowly sucks the life out of an old man with a terrible leg wound. We're in an alley, he must have been attacked. I could let her kill the guy, but I know she'd freak out and turn off her emotions. Although I normally wouldn't have a problem with that, Joanna's emotion is exactly what will get me what I need.

"Alright Anna, enough," I say and try to pull her off.

She hisses at me.

"Fine, have it your way," I say and use magic to slam her against a wall.

She realizes what she's done and falls to the floor. The man is barely breathing.

"Oh my God!" she yells and grabs his hand.

"Please, help me save him! He's my grandfather!" she says.

Isn't that a coincidence? I look at her and see how fragile Joanna really is. Sighing, I roll up the cuff of my shirt and bite my arm.

"What're you doing?" she asks, fear evident in her eyes.

"You want me to save him, don't you?" I question annoyed.

"Yes, of course," she says.

I put my wrist in his mouth and he begins to choke, but eventually swallows.

I pull my arm away and compel him to go home and forget everything that just happened. I pull Anna up.

"Let's go," I say.

"No, I need to help him!" she yells.

"He'll be fine, come," I compel her.

She walks with me to the car.

"So, what do you need my help to get?" Joanna questions.

"My grimoire and some herbs" I reply.

"For what?"

"A spell obviously, I want to get the Mikaelsons out of my life for good."

Author's Note

Hey guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting lately, school is a bitch. I know, that's what I always say but things are really cracking down because we've missed so much due to snow days. Teachers and school suck. Did you guys like the chapter? Any suggestions? Vote, comment, like, whatever floats your boat. Whores and Kisses xxx

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