Chapter 2

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*3 weeks later*

I'm getting extremely depressed. Half the time I just don't let myself feel anything. I'm numb. When my family died I was 17, so I was forced to stay with my aunt. As if what I went through wasn't enough, she abused me further. Took any money I had and would verbally assault me. She'd sometimes even physically abuse me. I was the only one who survived the crash. I would have been dead if my brothers didn't protect me...


I just worked a long night at the club. I'm so tired. Fucking hate walking home every night. My only day off is Sunday. As if I go to church. Anyway, it's late and I'm so so tired. I hear voices and just put my head down and continue to walk.

"Ayo mami! Tt Tt Tt," a group of Spanish guys say to me.

I just started walking faster. Oh gosh, please let them leave me alone. They start walking behind me and I start running, but what's my luck? My heel breaks and I collapse, twisting my ankle in the process. I let out a small yelp.

"Ay, why you running?", one guy asks as he approaches me.

He's short, pudgy, and everything that makes me want to puke.

"Help!" I scream.

He punches me in the face and I continue to scream. The rest of the guys come up.

"Oh don't act like it ain't nothing you've never done before," the guy says as he rips off my shirt.

I try to fight back, but just get hurt again. I continue to scream. The guy is about to pull off my bra, so I just close my eyes and let myself feel nothing. My face is wet with tears. I'm waiting for the torture to begin.

"Now that is no way to treat a lady," someone says.

I peak my eye open. A guy in a suit is holding the man up by his throat. He then snaps the man's neck. I take in a sharp breath and all the guys try to attack the man. The man literally pulls out their hearts.

Complete shocks runs through me. What is he? I try to say something, but nothing comes out.

"Are you alright?" the man asks.

He offers me his hand. I just nod my head. I begin to shiver because it's freezing. He takes off his jacket and puts it around me.

"Don't worry, you're safe," he says as if he could read my mind.

I close my eyes. This is all just a bad dream. When I open my eyes I'll be in my bed. I open my eyes.

Nope. Still here. The man is studying my face.

"Elijah, Elijah Mikaelson," he greets.

Elijah offers his hand.

"Megan Morgan," I state and give him my hand.

He kisses it. What are we in, the 1800's? I just smile. There's something oddly familiar about him.

"Th-thank you, Elijah. I'm going to go home now," I murmur and give him his jacket.

I start start to walk away, but he suddenly appears in front of me. What the?

"You don't expect me to let a beautiful young lady like yourself to walk all the way home?"

Okay, so this man rips out hearts and is extremely fast.
"What are you?" I finally question.

The man approaches me and looks into my eyes.

"You won't remember anything you saw.I'll take you home and after that you'll only remember going home from a long day of work," he says to me.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask.

Does this man think he can just make me forget? He looked confused.

"I need to get out of here.", I whisper.

I begin to walk away. This is all just too much, I- I can't even process it.

"Please, just let me take you home,"

I stare at him.

"I'll explain to you what I am," he promises.

"Swear you won't rip my heart out?" I ask.

He looks at me to see if I'm joking, but quickly figures out I'm not.

"You have my word,"

Elijah gives me his jacket again and walks me to his car. He opens the door for me and I get in. I don't know why I'm not running away from this man, but I feel drawn to him in a weird way. It's almost like I know I can trust him.

"My dear," he starts, after he gets in and turns on the car, "I'm a thousand year old vampire. I'm extremely strong, fast, can hear things from far away, can compel people and survive off of human blood all though for some reason I wasn't able to compel you,"

Okayyy. This guy is a complete loon.

"I know you probably think I'm a complete loon, but I can assure you I'm not,"he says truthfully.

"Can you read minds? Because you continue to read mine," I question.

"No, I can not, but they say great minds think alike" he confesses with a smirk.

"So you're taking me home right?" I ask ignoring his previous statement.

"Yes, my dear."

"You are so formal," I admit and roll my eyes, "Turn left here,"

He turns and we arrive at my apartment building. He looks up at it.

"You live here?" he asks.

"It is all I can afford,"

I sigh.

"Would you like to-," I cut him off.

"Thank you for saving my life and telling me you're one thousand years old Elijah, but I must go. I have work tomorrow."

"Work? At that disgusting place I saw you leave?" he asks.

"Listen, I do what I have to do to survive, I never said I was proud of what I did. I'm numb and I'm tired so please just let me go to sleep,"

He was about to say something, but changes his mind.

"Here," he says giving me his number on a piece of paper, "If you ever need me Megan, do not be afraid to call,"

With that he does that annoying disappearing thing. I look down at the number and shake my head. I slowly walk into the building, scan my key and go into my apartment. Where I again collapse into bed.

Hooked.(An Elijah Mikaelson Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now