Chapter 17

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Elijah and I are walking down the hall of the hotel and we enter the elevator. We had such a beautiful evening. I look over at him and bite my lip. I can't hold back anymore.

I push him against the elevator wall and smash my lips to his, I push myself into him. He's shocked at first, but soon gets into it. The elevator door opens and we step out, we don't stop kissing as we walk down the hallway. I try to put the key in the door, but he just brakes the handle. This time he pushes me against a wall. He taps my legs and I wrap them around his waist. We finally stop kissing for breath, but he starts trailing kisses on my neck. My hands are above my head and I moan.

"Elijah. Do not tease me. Take me," I say with complete lust.

"Megan. Are you sure?" he questions.

"Of course, I never want to be with anyone but you," I say and kiss him again, softer this time.

He lays me down on the bed and we make love.

"Remember," someone says.

I look around, I'm in the white room again.

"Remember the past,"

Suddenly, a million voices are telling me to remember, but remember what?

My eyes open, I'm scared from the dream, but when I see the man I love laying in front of me, I smile.

The sun is bright in our room. I push myself up a bit and kiss Elijah on the lips. He smiles and looks at me.

"How did I become so lucky to be able to wake up to a stunning woman like you?" he asks.

I smile and cuddle into him. He wraps his arm around me and my bare chest is on his.

"Elijah, I love you," I tell him.

"I love you too, Megan," he says.

I sit up with the thin white sheet covering me. I bite my lip.

"I'll be right back."

I walk into the kitchen with the thin sheet wrapped around me. I start making coffee and butter a pan. I go to the fridge to pull out eggs, when I hear something.

I turn around and someone pushes me against a wall. I look up and see Damon.

"What the hell Damon?!" I yell.

"Megan where the fuck have you been! We were all out for drinks that night and you and Elijah just disappeared!", he yells.

How could I have forgot to tell them?

"And then you never answered your phone!", he says.

His eyes look me up and down.

"But it looks like you haven't thought of any of us," he says with hurt evident of his face.

I cup my hand on his face.

"No Damon, you have it all wrong! Klaus gave his blood to save my life, but with a price. I had to leave Mystic Falls and never go back. If I ever did he'd kill me! And I'm so sorry I didn't call or say anything but Damon look," I began and got two chairs for us to sit in.

I took in a deep breath.

"My family is still alive," I whisper.

His face goes into complete shock.

"I know, Damon. Lately I've been having these weird dreams and I kept having one that told me that it never happened and that my family survived and to go back to the bridge and I did! I found them there, apparently before I was born some people were going after my family so a witch put a spell that if any of them died they would survive but it didn't work for me because I was born after that happened," at this point I have tears in my eyes.

"I went through so much pain Damon, and they never even called!" I say and now tears are running down my face, he hugs me and rubs my back.

"It's alright Megan. It's alright," he says.

Elijah walks in with a towel around his waist and wet hair, he obviously took a shower. He just looks at us questioningly since Damon is hugging me and the only thing covering me is a thin see through sheet.

"I-" I say and wipe my face.

"I was telling Damon what happened. I forgot to call him and tell him what's been going on," I said.

He nods.

"Damon would you like to join us for breakfast?" Elijah questions.

Damon accepts and Elijah and I walk to the room to get dressed.

"Are you alright?" he asks me.

I sniffle and nod. We're both dressed and he hugs me.

"I love you Lijah."

"I love you too," he says.

We walk down stairs together and I make sunny side up eggs with toasted bread. I pour the coffee and add cream and sugar. We all sit down and begin to eat.

"So Damon, what has my brother been up to in Mystic Falls?" Elijah questions.

"Well, uh , I got bit by a wolf as well, so Stefan went to get Klaus' blood and Klaus gave it to him, but now Stefan is his bitch and he's became a ripper with Klaus, against his will of course, but now he has no will," Damon says.

"Oh that's terrible! What about Elena? How's she holding up with this?", I ask him.

"She's hellbent on finding him. She doesn't care what he does, she thinks she can save him," he says.

"Well, why don't you sound hellbent to find him too? You're not trying to get with Elena after this?!" I say.

"No, it's just, ugh. Stefan killed my girlfriend to try and get me to stop looking and trying. She wasn't like a girlfriend girlfriend as if I had feelings for her, but she was my distraction. She was like a friend," he says and looks down.

"I'm so sorry," I tell him, he just sighs.

"I really wish I could help, but Klaus would kill me if I went after him to get Stefan," I inform him.

Suddenly, I hear a noise.

3 people walk in. I can sense that they're all supernatural.

One is a witch, the other one is a vampire and the last one is a wolf. We all stand up to attack, but the witch is giving Elijah and Damon aneurisms, and they're down in the ground in pain. I scream and try to run to them, but someone injects me with vervain.

Elijah is too strong for the headache and gets up, but the vampire snaps his neck. I scream and run to his aid, but they inject me again with vervain. Everything goes dark.

"They're going to make you remember," an eerie voice whispers.

"When you remember it comes back," another says.

"What're they going to make me remember?! What will come back?" I ask desperately.

"Be careful child."

"Don't forget who you are."

A million voices come again and I can only hear one thing clearly in them. Silas.

Author's Note

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter and oomf look at that gif ! So what do you think will happen to Megan? What are these dreams trying to tell her and who the hell are these people!? Please please please vote and comment! Give suggestions and tell me what you'd like to see happen! Love and whores xoxo

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