Chapter 2

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Kayla above

Kayla's POV

We was all sitting at the dinner table eating chili and crackers with different beverages. I was not able to look up from my chili though cause I was sitting across from Chad. He kept giving me looks that was not brother and sisterly. Everyone talked and laughed about different things. They also brought up school and how Chad was captain over the basketball team.

I sat there quiet listening to them while not looking at Chad. Susie whom I remember Frank mentioning was Chad girlfriend never brought her left hand up on the table. She kept biting her lips and looking at Chad who was laid back in his chair with a......look, is all I can say.

Me and mom begin to clean the dishes having everyone bring their plate to the sank. Mom left to go put on comfortable clothes leaving me in the kitchen. As I stood by the sink washing dishes I felt someone behind me and decided not to look back.

Then I felt the person come closer and closer and I begin to get nervous. I turn around quickly and came face to face with Chad. He was so close to me that I begin to lean back. The further I lean back he lean forward. He then reached his hand behind me causing him to almost hug me. He was placing his plate in the sink and his face was a little past mines. He was too close.

"Can you speak?" He asked causing me to shiver, cause his warm breath brushed passed my ear.

I nodded and begin to move to the right a little. He stopped me by placing his left hand on the counter behind me. I gasped a little and looked in his blue eyes.

"You are very beautiful, Kayla." He said looking in my eyes. His voice was a little deep and low.

I blushed and looked down from him. He chuckled and came close to my face rubbing our nose together. I sucked in my breath and closed my eyes shut. He smelt wonderful like Cologne and mints.

"You can breath now love." He said. He sounded like he was now far away.
I open my eyes slowly and seen he was leaning against the wall besides the kitchen door. He smirked at me and I turned around quickly back to the sink.

"Okay dear, I'm back." Mom said and looked surprised when she saw Chad in the kitchen.

"Chad." Mom said.

"Maria." He chuckled and left the kitchen.

Mom came over to me and looked at me closely.

"You okay dear? You look kind of flushed. Oh God, are you sick?" She begin to touch my head.

I shook my head no and stayed silent all night.

We was sitting in the living room and I found out the two guys name was Derek and Steve. Derek the hazel eye one was kind of dense and Steve was kind of nice and sweet but, looked sneaky at the same time. Chad and Susie was upstairs doing Gods knows what. I sighed still thinking about what he done to me and I even still smelt him. I know weird.

"Dad I have to take then home its getting late." Chad said peeping his head in the living room.

"Okay, I forgot school was tomorrow." Frank said walking them out.

I got up to go to my room and met a glance from Chad and a glare from Sue. I looked down and walked past them and headed upstairs.

"Do she start school tomorrow as well?" I heard Chad ask.

"Yes, and you will be taking her." Frank said.

"Oh I don't mine." Chad said chuckling.

I sighed and went into my room and flicked off the lights and climbed in my bed. The time was only 8pm and I was exhausted.

"You are so fucking adorable." I shot up to a low voice in my ear.

I looked around my room and found no one. I looked at the time it showed 1am. I sighed and went downstairs for some warm milk. I was in the icebox when suddenly the lights came on.

"Bad dream love?" I turn around quickly to see Chad with no shirt on and a pair of joggers.

His body was perfect. You can see the abs in his stomach and the perfect v line below. I looked up in his eyes and regretted I did. He begin to walk closer licking his lips and I walked back. He shut the icebox door as he passed it and I hit a wall.

He walked faster to me and place both his hands on the wall blocking me in. I slid down to go under them but, he slid down to. Now we both are squatting.

"Come on tell me about your dream." He said leaning in my ear. "Talk to me love." He said kissing my ear causing me to shiver and my stomach to heat up.

He looked in my face and smiled. He was so handsome. I shook my head and looked away from him. I felt my face on fire and I knew it was red.

"You are so fucking adorable." He whispered in my ear and chuckled.

I gasped and looked at him. It was him in my room.
Thanks for reading.😘😘😘😘

Chad is kind of creepy right? Who agrees?

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