Part 2 Chapter 5

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Sorry I took so long, but here it go.

Kayla's POV

As I woke up on a Friday morning I smiled knowing it was an off day for me. I was finally going to get the chance to wear a swimsuit.

I climbed off my bed and went into my bathroom doing my morning routines.

I did a little cleaning and cooked me some lunch then I watched TV to know the weather.

A couple of minutes later I made a small picnic basket and grabbed my bag full of my beach belongings and went to the beach. It was only a walk across the street for me.

The beach was kind of crowed and had a few naked people. I smiled and took off my white cover up showing my white one piece swim suit and I hit the ocean.

The water was cool and felt nice. I did a little floating and backstroke like the song was saying on the beach speakers. It was lively and fun.

I got out the water and went and laid out my towel and laid on it. I did find an abandoned umbrella so I was not in the sun.

"Is this seat taken?" A familiar voice ask.

"Yes." I said and laid out on my towel.

He chuckled and sat down on my back.

"Aww! you are heavy!" I shouted.

"Then let me sit down." He said while laughing.

I sat up when he lifted off me and stayed quiet. How did he know I was at the beach? Do he know where I live? I gasped and looked at him. He was already staring at me admiring my swim suit.

"Yes I know where you live." He said so straight forward.

"B-b-but h-h-how?" I stuttered.

"I followed you home. I was to desperate." He said looking in my eyes.

"Desperate for what?" I asked looking away.

"For you." He said smiling.

"You are engaged and plus you told me...."

"I know what I told you. I just can't take it anymore. I want you but, I know I can't have you." He said coming closer.

I backed away bringing out my basket. I pulled out my sandwiches I made and offered him one. He took it and we ate in silence.

"I want you to attend a party with me tomorrow night." He said looking at the ripples of the ocean.

"Where?" I asked.

"At my club. A friend is throwing his party there." He said standing up. He had on a white T-shirt that showed his abs and muscles with some denim jeans.

"Oh really? ........... Sure I will come." I finally answered.

"Great I'll text you the direction. But right now I have to get away from you in that swim suit." He said licking his lips.

I blushed and found my cover up and put it on. I watched as he walked away and tears formed in my eyes.

I still love him is what my heart is telling me. But my mind is telling me to stay away from him.

I sighed and laid back and stared up at the sun.

As I watched the sun set over the ocean I gathered my things and went home. When I was home I realised I had to go shopping for the party tomorrow tonight.

I put on a pink shirt and some shorts and went to the mall.

It was a Friday night so of course it was crowded. I went to perfume stores, jewelry stores, and shoe stores. It was fun until I got tired.  On my way out I bumped into an enemy.

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