Finally (End 2)🔞

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Extra long.....


As I sat at the decorated dinner table waiting on Chad to get through with his hot bubble bath. I begin to second guess myself with this too revealing lingerie I have on.

Do I look good in it? Will he like it?

"Ugh! Maybe he will kill me. These kind of lingeries is a kink for him." I said to myself as I poured us a glass of red wine.

"What are you mumbling about?" I hear his deep voice ask as he walked into the dining room.

"N-nothing." I said blushing looking up at him cause he was shirtless and only had on a pair of black joggers.

Yes it is normal to still be nervous and blush around your husband. That just shows how much you still love him and the affect he stills has on you.

"So? What's the occasion? The bath was set up nice by the way." He asked sitting down grabbing the wine glass and sipping out of it.

"Do it have to be a special occasion for me to cater to you?" I asked uncovering the dishes.

"Hell no." He said smiling at me.

"Good. Now let's eat." I said as we looked down at the plates with steaks and vegetables.

"Yeah let's hurry cause I want to see what is underneath that red robe you have on." He said with a even deeper voice while eyeing me with his blue eyes.

"L-lets not rush cause I also made dessert." I said stuttering making him chuckle.

We then fell into a comfortable silence as we ate our food. Chad drank five glasses of wine and begin to feel laid back.

When done I removed the dishes and went to get the chocolate covered strawberries. I untied my robe and sighed.

"Here goes nothing."

I walked back into the dining room holding the plate while eyeing Chad. I watched as his eyes slowly looked up at me and his right eyebrow raises while he licked his lips before biting it.

"Baby?" He groaned lowly. "What are you wearing?"

"Follow me and I'll show you." I said passing him.

I hear him quickly stand up following up the stairs behind me. Many times I had to tell him to stop from trying to lift the robe up in the back.

I walked into our bedroom and walked over to our bed and laid on my side. Chad did the same on his side while the strawberries was placed between us.

"Can I feed you?" I asked with heated cheeks.

"Fuck yes." He said lifting the dish and put it on his chest and he laid back on the pillow.

I giggled and moved to straddle him making me gasp when I felt his semi-hard cloth dick snuggle up against my bare vagina.

"Why!?" I asked looking down into his now darken eyes.

"It because of you that's fucking why! Its been awhile since we fucked! What did you expect from my Chad jr?!" He shouted while raising his hips harshly.

"Ah!! Okay okay! Just be still damn it!" I said as I moaned.

I watched as he smirked while putting both of his hands behind his is head. "Feed me baby."

I shook my head and smiled. I then lifted a strawberry and put to his lips. I watched as he stuck his tongue out and licked the milk chocolate before biting it with closed eyes.

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