Chapter 10

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Chad's POV

"Chad don't!" My dad shouted.

I punch the wall beside her and she screamed and ducked. My dad pulled me away and into my room. I looked at her looking at me with tears in her eyes. Then before I knew it I was behind close doors.

"What the hell Chad? What is your fucking problem?" My dad hit me on side the head.

"Sorry dad." I said and sat on the edge of my bed ruffling my hair.

I kept seeing her face, her talking back and arguing turned me on but, her words and her slaps pissed me off. I wasn't going to hit her I just wanted to scare her up.

My dad rubbed my back to calmed me down. My chest hurts and I knew the reason, I hurt someone that is important to me, someone I fucking ...........loved. I jumped to my feet grabbed my coat and keys and told my dad I needed to steam off. I open my door and saw Maria standing by Kayla's door and I smiled and apologized to her and went downstairs and left. I needed to get drunk. I needed to get laid.
Kayla's POV

I was laying in my bed crying my heart out and heard him drive away. I was afraid of him but loved him. I never could read him when he have different features in his face. I decided I had to let him go and give him up. I must move on.

Later, days went by then months. It was our graduation day and here we are taking a family picture. Our graduation was over and we was heading home. I said goodbye to Lex and followed my parents home. They haven't got married yet cause me and Chad haven't looked nor spoke a word to each other since that night.

Chad and Sue was getting along well and even though it hurts seeing them together I looked past them. Chad is now 19 and is about to move to another state. He said he wanted to better his future and career in basketball. I heard that Sue and his other two friends are following him.

Lex is about to go to college and become a designer. Me on the other hand wanted a normal life so I stayed back and got a part time job.

When I made it home I went to my room and showered and went to sleep. Around by 11pm I heard Chad dragging his bags downstairs. I perked up and asked myself 'did I sleep for three days'.

I then peeked my head out my room door. All I seen was his back and the back of his head.

"I thought you said in three days?" Frank asked.

"I know dad I just really have to go and get away from here. It's driving me nuts." He chuckled and everything got quiet.

I then shut my door quietly and walked fast to my window. I saw him packing his truck and saw Derek and Steve get out another hummer to help him. I then see Sue get out the front seat and hug Frank. Chad then hug Frank and my mom and walks to his car. He paused before opening his door and closed his eyes. He then sighed and open his door and got in his hummer and backed out the driveway. He blew his horn and drove off. Tears fell from my eyes and I fell to the floor on my knees. As I turned around I see a note on my floor and crawled to it.

It had Chad's name on it and I open it.

Dear Kayla/Love

By time you read this letter I will be long gone. I just want to apologize to you and wish you a early happy birthday. Oh and I found this poem on the internet and thought this will express my feelings to you and you might like it. Is called :

Wishing stars

I still searched for you
in the crowds,
In empty fields
and soaring clouds.

In city lights
and passing cars,
on winding roads,
and wishing stars.

I wonder where
you will be now,
for years I've not said,
your name out loud.

But, I have learnt
to live without,
I do not mine___
I still love you anyhow.

---lang leau

Goodbye my Kayla my love.


I broke down and cried while holding the letter and remembered all the things we done together and said and did.

"I love Chad." I said silently.


Woohoo this is not the end I will be making this story 20 chapters.

I know you love me.😘😘😘😘

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