Part 2 Chapter 4

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Chad's POV also him above😘

I was walking into the office and was greeted by Susie.

"Hey my future husband." She kissed me.

"Hey, why you here? I thought you was with your mom getting some wedding stuff with her." I said walking pass her.

My mind was wondering every since I saw Kayla. She was beautiful and looked astonishing in her white dress. If only she can be my bride. I shook my head.

"So can you come?"

"What? Where?" I asked confused cause I didn't here shit she said.

She sighed and got on the elevator with me. We was quiet the whole way and didn't say a word. She was clinched up to me so tight and I was getting hot.

When we made it to my floor I walked down the hall looking out the window with my hands in my suit pockets. Susie danced and jogged down the hall.

"What you doing here?" I heard her ask someone.

When I seen the person she was talking to my heart raced. My mind and eyes zoomed in on her and all my surroundings disappeared. Before I knew it I was around the desk where she was. She backed up to the wall and was giving Susie eyes for help.

"Why are you here?" I finally asked her.

"I was hired here. Your father put me to work as soon as I got here." She said.

I stared in her eyes and looked down at what she was wearing and I almost picked her up and carried her to my office. I wanted to raise her dress up and have her calling my name.

I begin to walk closer to her and a hand grabbed me from behind and pulled me from her. I turn to look at Susie who was now holding my hand and pulling me in my office.

I sat in my desk chair and sighed rubbing my face with my hand. To know that the woman you love is right outside your door.

"You have to fire her." Susie blurted out.

"I can't my father hired her as his step daughter and we never go behind each other back." I said not looking at her.

She walks over behind my desk and sit in my lap.

"You can't have her around. I know how you feel about her and I want let you mess this up for me or us." She say grabbing my face.

I stands up getting her off me and walk over to a window and lean my shoulder on it.

Susie didn't leave and stuck around all day. I never called Kay in for anything cause Susie will go out and get it. When the day was over I waited till Kay left then I left. I drove home got it the shower and put on a pair of jeans. The I lean on a wall in my apartment and thought about things.

I must find out where she live.


Kayla's POV

When leaving I was looking back to see if he followed me home he can't know where I live.

As I made it home I took a shower and went to sleep.

The next morning I got dressed for work leaving my hair down in loose curls.

I was now in my car and driving away. When there I park my car and walked going towards the elevator. Once open I enter it and pushed the 21st floor. The doors begin to close but stopped when a hand stopped them.

Chad enter the elevator and I begin to walk out but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back in.

"Let go!" I said between my teeth.

"Stop running from me!" He shouted. "We are about to be family anyway. Stop remembering the past cause that will never happen again." He said close to my face and got off the elevator when we made it to our destination.

I was shocked and confused I quickly jumped off the elevator when it started closing.

"You are so bipolar!" I shouted behind him.

"Well so are you!" He said and shut his office door.

"What's going on? Are you two still....about that?" Frank came out his office saying.

"No nothing we are fine." I lied.

I rubbed my hand through my hair and sat in my chair. His door flew open again.

"I want these done before we close and if you don't finish, stay over." He said throwing a stack of papers on my desk.

"I'll be finish before you can say my name out loud." I said smirking.

"Oh yea?" He said walking closer to me placing both his hands on the arm of my chair.

I lean back looking up at him.

"I will never say your name." He whispers so only I can hear him.

"I don't want my name coming out of your mouth." I replied back.

He lean in closer to my lips and I pushed him away. I sat up straight in my chair and begin to work. He stood there looking at me as I worked then he punched a wall. I jumped a little and never looked up. He then went into his office and never came back out.

I was kind of late finishing the papers and when done I left them on my desk and put a sticky note on it.

God knows I was not about to enter his office. As I gathered my belongings I walked down the dem hall and to the elevator. When I made it to the bottom I went to my car to go home.

Chad's POV

As I watched her get into her car I cranked my car and was ready to follow her.

We drove three miles out to some condos on the beach. It was so like her to choose a condo like this.

As she got out and walked to the entrance I followed her. Instead of her taking the elevator she took step. I knew then she was not high up.

She stopped on the second floor and walked down the hall. I ducked off behind one of the hallways and peeked around the corner and watched her go into room 214. I then walked up to her door when she was in and smiled.

"I found you." I said.


Is Chad getting creepy or what. What will he do now that he found out where Kayla live? 😏😏😏

Thanks for reading.😘😘

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