Chapter 7

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Kayla's POV

I ran to my room to lock the door but, didn't realize he was right behind me. I struggled trying to close the door but was unsuccessful.

"Come on love I'm not going to hurt you." He said now in my room.

"Chad stop. The party starts in another hour." I said falling on my bed.

He lean in towards me and licked his lips. I closed my eyes as he continued to close the gap between us. Then nothing happen.

"Get ready love I won't kiss you this time." He chucked and walked out my room.

It was now 5pm which means the party start in one hour. I put my hair in loose curls and put on light makeup. I put on me some black lather boots and a black lather jacket over my spaghetti strap white dress that fitted my boobs perfectly.

I get a text from Lex telling me she was on her way. I give myself one last look and headed out my room. I went down stairs waiting at the front door and Chad came down in a white peacoat and some light denim jeans with some black boots. He stares at me and I stare at him. He walks closer to me and I back up to the wall. He leans in to my ear.

"I want to put you over my shoulder and take you back up stairs and take these cloths off you and fuck you till you faint." He says kissing my ear.

I blushed and closed my eyes getting deep into it, until I hear an horn.

"Tsk." He said and backed away.

I open the front door and ran outside. We drove to the party quietly through the light snow that was falling and made it to the party. We was let in and welcomed by a half naked drunk guy.

We looked at each other and laughed. The house was big and comfortable. I was sitting in a chair minding my own business when suddenly a guy came and grabbed my breast and sticking his head between them. I pushed his head away only to make it worst. He grabbed my wrist causing me to wince.

"Get. The. Fuck. Away from her." I hear a familiar voice speak.

"Chad?" I call his name.

"Well damn love this is the second time you said my name." He chuckled and punched the guy.

He grabs my hand taking me upstairs to an empty room. The room was dark but, the light from the moon beamed through the three windows and bounced off the snow. I walked around touching things and investigating it.

"I'm sorry love." I heard Chad say and I turned around to look at him. He was leaning on a night stand looking at me.

"For....?" I looked at him confused.

"For leaving you at the gym. I came back for you.....but, you was gone." He sighed. "I know I do things to you that might confuse you but,...

"I know its a joke." I said looking away from him.

"The fuck?....... No its not a joke Kayla. I know we are step siblings and I don't want people looking at me as a....well, freak. I took care of Susie that day cause I had to." He gets quiet.

"Why do you have to?" I turned around and he is right behind me clenching his jaws.

"Its in the past. Aren't you hot?" He said sliding my jacket off my arms.

When my jacket fell I looked up in his ocean blue eyes and saw the big ball of light shine in them. The moon also has had it attention on his eyes. He lean into me causing me to put both my hand on and lean against a stand behind me. He licked his lips and his eyes went down to my breast and back to my eyes. He just suddenly kissed me while his hand grabbed my dress strap and slid down to my right breast. He then grabbed my tiny waste and held me there. Our tongue found each other and entangled with each other. I moan from his warmth wanting more and he wanted mines. But we knew we couldn't go further then this.

He loosen my lips from his and lean his forehead against mines. I open my eyes and we stared at each other breathing harshly.

"I want to touch and taste you." He said against my swollen lips.


I looked up at him wondering what was he talking about. I was then lifted up off my feet and was sat on the stand behind me. He pulled my body against him and kissed me some more. He was standing in between my legs and I felt cold hands and cold air on my upper thigh. I shivered and my body jerked forward from the two and I felt his body vibrate from his chuckling.

As he continued to go up my thigh the weaker I became he kissed my neck and collar bone and laid me back on the window behind me. I looked in his eyes and he looked in mines. When his two thumbs messaged my inner thighs I moan and wiggled on the stand. My body wishing he'll touch my burning sensation.

I've never been touched like this by anyone and I was glad it was Chad. When I see him get lower and down on his knees, my eyes got huge. Was he....Is he....

"Let me have my way love." He said.

I then felt cold air hit my vagina. He moved my panties to the side and slid one of his thumbs down my vagina.

"Awww." I moan and my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

"You are so wet and a pretty pink down here." He chuckled and blew air out his mouth against my vagina.

I shivered again and slid my hip down towards him. He rubbed my vagina and played with my clit until I felt something warm and wet touch me.

"God what is this?" I said bulking my hips.

Was this his tongue doing magical things to my body. He sucked, licked, and thrust his tongue in my entrance. I then felt his finger play along and begin to enter me.

"Chad." His name came out more as a whisper.

"I won't go deep love, just enough to make you feel good." He said and went back to his amazing talent.

He wiggled his finger in me while he suck my clit. I moan and groan while pulling his hair. But everything went light and bright when he hit a certain spot and I slid down lower and screamed his name.

Chad sat me up straight and stood up licking his fingers and his lips.

"That was good and you taste sweet like peaches and cream." He said pecking my lips.

The door behind us open and we both jumped.

"Chad what......."

Thanks for reading.😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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