Chapter 5

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Kayla's POV( Lex above)



"Shit. Susie." He said and let me down fixing his clothes.

I fixed my clothes and went and hid behind the last table in the room. He looked at me and chuckled and went and open the door.

"I'm here babe." He said and shut the door behind him.

I then stood up and realized I was late for my sixth period class. As I fixed myself I go to thinking about what Lex said.

'He only sleep around with you and go back to Susie'

I shook my head and went to my class. The day went by with ease as I past by Chad like he was a nobody and went to PE. We played volleyball and our team won. Even through I was quiet, I loved me some volleyball.

The last period bell rung and I grabbed my bag and went to the outside stadium where they practice at. Lex showed me before we separated in fifth period. As I get ready to open the door I got prepared for the cold air outside.
Buuuur. The wind blew and my teeth chattered. I went into the huge round building and went through the large doors. When I entered I see Sue sitting in the bleachers with five more other girls. On the left. I went to the right and sat in the very top. People was staring at me I guess cause I laughed at Susie in the lunch room.

I put my earphones in my ears and played up by James Morrison and Jessie J. I lean back on the wall and watched as Chad and the boys play ball. Chad made many shots not missing one, Derek kept missing the passing balls why Steve right down the plays. I then put my attention on Sue who was now moving across the court and towards me.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I felt her sit beside me with all the others surround me. She pull off my headphones and smiled at me.

"Hi Kayle." She said in a high pitch voice.

"Hi." I said turning off the music I had playing through my galaxy note 7.

"So I saw you laughing at me in the cafeteria. You thought that was funny huh." She said with a smile on her face looking at Chad who was watching us.

I shook my head no not looking at Chad. I blocked Sue out my head. 'What was I thinking, he was my stepbrother and had a girlfriend who is beautiful. I can't come here and change his life.' I looked up at him and I knew it, he was staring at me. I looked away and saw him heading up the bleachers.

"Smile bitch." She mumbled.

Wait what? I looked at Sue in a confused way and back at a now hot sweaty Chad.

"What you girls talking about?" He said sitting between me and Sue.

"Nothing, I was just inviting Kayla here to my party." She said in a shy sweet way.

"Yeah." The group of girls finally spoke.

"Oh yea?" He said and looked at me. "And what was her response?" He asked jabbing me in my side.

I looked at him and quickly looked away. He lean in to Sue and whispered something to her and she giggled then her and her lads walked away. I had my head resting on my hand and my elbow on my knees and biting my lips.

I then felt someone lean up beside me and looked in my face.

"You biting your lips looks sexy." He said.

I looked at him with a frown but, looked shocked when he was right in my face. We stared at each other for a while then we was pulled apart by a furious looking Sue. She glared at Chad.

"What are you doing?" She said looking at him.

"Nothing we was just chatting." He said getting her hand from around his wrist.

"It didn't look like chatting. Hell it look like you was about to kiss her." She whispered. "She's your fucking sister." She pushed him.

"Stop pushing me, Susie." He said in a serious voice.

"Um......we not like that." I stated trying to calm things down.

"Shut the hell up you ugly bitch." She said raising her hand and slapped me.

"What the hell Susie! Get the fuck out my face now!" Chad yelled and got the whole gym attention.

"Chad!?" Sue said then ran out the gym.

"Are you okay?" He asked sitting on the lower bleacher in front of me.

I nodded my head and smiled. I didn't cry because it wasn't my first time getting hit in the face.

"Dude, what happen? What did you do to Susie? Remember our promise." Steve said giving me a killer look.

I knew he was sneaky. I looked away from him and back at Chad. He smiled at me and stroked my left cheek. He was ignoring Steve and worrying about me.

"Chad!" Steve shouted.

"What!?" He turned around to look at Steve and walked up to him.

Steve backed up and had fear in his eyes. I grabbed Chad and told him I was ready to go. He said he had to go and change and that I was to wait here. As I sat on the bleacher a basketball flew past my face.

I jumped back to look at the person who threw it. Susie looked at me with another ball in her hand why Steve stand and look at her.

"You are a dead bitch." Susie said walking up the bleachers.

Thanks for reading.😘😘😘😘😘😘

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