Chapter 10 : Part 2 (End)

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Kayla's POV

"Oh my God she is so beautiful love. She looks like you, so cute and tiny." Chad said as he held our Myra gently in his arms.

"Hey! I'm not that tiny." I said pouting but it soon turned into a smile as I watch my now small family.

"I'm going to fucking spoil her as much as I spoiled you." He said and I frowned.

"No cursing Chad. It's bad for her." I said.

"Shit sorry-I mean shoots." He said looking at me apologetically and then we was interrupted by the door opening.

"Where is our cute princess?" My mom and Frank asked in unison.

"Myra meet your grandparents." Chad said hesitantly giving her to them. He didn't want to let her go.

He then walked towards my hospital bed and sat on it. I looked up at him and smiled while he looked down and did the same.

"I love you Kayla, my love, and my once stepsister." He said chuckling and kissed my forehead.

"Ew! Don't mention the last one again." I said giggling and looked back at my baby and her happy grandparents.

"I love you too Chad." I mumbled lowly but I know he heard me cause he looked at me and kissed me softly on my lips.


As weeks went by me and Chad has been doing well with our cute ladybug. A nickname Lex came up with and forced us to call her because she is her Godmother slash Aunt.

Currently I am in the nursery breast feeding her while Chad is in his home office doing work. He didn't think it was a good idea to leave me at home alone so he decided to work from home.

Frank quickly agreed and even threatened him to dare return. He even told him when he did return he will retire and hand the company over to him.

That's right my husband will be a young CEO over a huge and major company.

"Love?" I hear Chad call me.

"I'm in the nursery." I answered and he came walking in.

"How are my two princesses?" He asked as he walked over to us and kneeled down beside the chair.

"We're good

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"We're good. How about our king?" I asked and he looked at me with so much love in his eyes.

"I'm your king?" He asked smiling.

"Yes. You are our king. You are the man that is working so hard to take care of us and we are so thankful for you. I am so happy to be your wife and you my husband and I'm pretty sure Myra will be happy to call you her daddy or her hero one day." I said and he sighed loudly rubbing his hands over his face.

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