Part 2 Chapter 8

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Chad's POV (Double update)

I was sitting in my office when a furious Susie walked in. She sat in my office chair and I continued to text Kayla love.

"We need to talk." She blurted out.

"About what?" I said putting my phone down looking at her and making her get out my chair.

"Our wedding." She said standing up.

"Yea... about that... I don't want marry you." I said straight out.

"What? Why? Is it because of that bitch!" She shouted.

"No its because I know you and Rick been fucking each other behind my back since we been dating. I had your back for seven years now and its time I stop pitying you and let you go. Rick loves you dearly and I know that." I said honestly.

" did you? Chad! I only love you baby."  She said walking towards me to sit on my lap.

I stood up quickly out of my chair and walked to my window. She back hugged me and I sighed wanting to push her off.

"Susie!" A man voice called out.

I turned around and saw Rick in my door frame. He walked over to where we stood and grabbed Susie from me and took a swing.

I grabbed his hand and twist it causing him to fall to his knees.

"You son of a bitch!" He said through gritted teeth.

"My mother is not a bitch." I said and kicked him in the gut.

I then hovered over him and started punching him. I was fed up.

I heard Susie left and came back in with Kayla. She looked shocked and ran over to where I was. She grabbed me from behind and asked me to stop.

"Chad stop! They are not worth it! I knew this was a mistake just get mad at me!" She screamed.

What is she saying. I stopped hitting Rick who was bloody and I looked at Kayla.

"I do not think of you and me as a fucking mistake! I love you! Stop saying that." I said to her and hugged her tightly.

"He called my mom a bitch that's why I'm fighting him. Not over Susie." I made things clear.

"What's going on?" My father and Mary came in with several bodyguards.

"Your son here and your daughter....

I walked up to Rick and grab his shirt. "If you dare say another word, I sware I will ruin your damn life!" I whispered yelled at him.

When Rick and Susie got escorted out by my guards. I told my father and Mary to sit down.

"I, well we, have something to tell you guys." I said with Kay squeezing my arm.

"Since I first saw Kayla I fell in love with her. We've been secretly doing things a brother and sister was not suppose to do. So when I decided to end things because we didn't want to break up you guys relationship I left her after the argument. I tried to get over her by marring Susie. But when I saw her again I couldn't be without her. So we need your guys approval." I said looking at my parents.

"Son. Kayla. We knew you two loved each other. You both argued like married couples and more then us. We been approved your relationship. This will not stop me and Maria from seeing each other no matter how people look at us." My father said which surprised me and Kayla.

Maria walked over to Kayla and hugged her tight. Kayla broke down crying and I comforted her as well.

When we got off work we went to the beach. It was dawn and I wanted to be alone with her.

We walked with the water hitting our feet and holding hands. I will kiss her dimples and hug her tight.



"Do you love me?" I asked.

"Yes, I've always loved you." She said smiling.

"Will you stay with me forever?"

"Yes, I will." She hugged me tighter.

"Will you marry me?" I separated from her and looked into her eyes.

"Y-yes I will." She said with tears rolling down her face.

I placed a ring on her finger and lift her up towards the sky. I looked up in her eyes and she looked down in mines and I kissed her.

That night I made sweet love to her and I did that over and over until she fainted.

Kayla's POV

It been a month now since me and Chad been together. It was a Monday morning and I was not feeling so hot. As I tossed in my bed and turned I jumped up quickly and ran to the bathroom.

Almost missing my toilet I vomited and sat down on the floor. When done I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I then went into the kitchen to eat a bowl of cereal and got dress for work.

I got in the car drinking some water and went to work. When I walked into the lobby I was met by a handsome Chad waiting by the elevator.

"Morning?" He said looking worried.

"Morning." I said lowly smiling.

"You okay? I brought breakfast." He said and we stepped on the elevator.

The smell of the food made me sick. I held my stomach and covered my nose. As soon as the elevator open I ran out to the nearest bathroom.

"Love? What's wrong?" I heard a worried Chad walk in behind me.

I vomited all day from smells I didn't like. I only was able to eat Chinese food and pickles. Well that came back up to.

Chad called mom and she rushed to the job. I was laying on Chads couch in his office while he rub his hand through my hair and watched me sleep.

"Honey are you okay?" My mom asked worried and Chad stepped away and my mom continued rubbing my head.

"Yep." I lied only to get up running to the bathroom.

"Oh honey we are taking you to the hospital." My mom said.

Frank, mom, and Chad all sat in the waiting room with me until I was called. The nurse put us in a room and I layed down on the bed with Chad rubbing his hand through my hair again.

I enjoyed that as I lean on his side. They called me earlier for a urine test and blood test.

"Hello are all you her family?" The nurse asked.

"Yes." They all said in unison.

"I'm her fiance." Chad said proudly.

"Well congratulations you are three weeks pregnant." She said and left.

"Yes I knew it!" Mom shouted getting all our attention.



Thanks for reading.😘😘😘✌

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